The Rising Part Eight: Saving Taichi

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Junko had given Taichi to the Monokubs, who were torturing the poor man. Monokid and Monosuke enjoying every bit of it, Monodam being unsure about everything, and Monotaro and Monophanie not enjoying it one bit.

 Monokid and Monosuke enjoying every bit of it, Monodam being unsure about everything, and Monotaro and Monophanie not enjoying it one bit

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Monosuke: Aww, poor Mr. Taichi is scared. Oh, if only we actually cared about your safety! Too bad we don't.

Monokid: I can cook you up on the barbecue and eat you for dinner. And perhaps I can make it with a side of bear if he doesn't behave! [He glared evilly at Monotaro, causing the red bear to gulp]

Monodam: Uh... Yes! You will be perfect for dinner! [Thinking] What is even going on anymore...?

Monophanie: It's almost dinnertime! Only thing is that you won't be eating dinner, you are dinner! I just hope I don't have to bare witness to you being cooked alive! So scary! [Thinking] I'm sorry... But I must do this...

Monotaro: Let's hope that you have a lot of meat in you! We're gonna need both of your meats if we're gonna feed everyone! [Thinking] This is so disgusting... But I fear what Lady Junko will do to me if I don't go through with this...

Taichi: Please stop, you guys! I don't wanna be eaten! I'll do anything you say, I promise!

Monokid: Well, in that case... [He and the rest of the Monokubs pushed Taichi into a group of geysers]

Monosuke: Just try to move around, Sr. Fujisaki! The more you move, the more you'll get burned!

Monokid: That oughta shut you up!

Taichi: I don't know what you're thinking, but you're not gonna get away with this!

Monokid:  That's what you think!

Taichi: I don't think so! [He tried to run up to them, but ended up burning his hand in the process] AHHH!!!! Oww...

Monosuke: Yeah! How about that, Sr. Fujisaki?! That steam is really hot! [We then cut to Team Advanced]

 Fujisaki?! That steam is really hot! [We then cut to Team Advanced]

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Kat: What do you think Junko's up to this time?

Pico: The only reason she'd hold Taichi prisoner is because she wants something from us.

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