baseball AU

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Disclaimer: none of these characters are mine, they were all created by the awesome uncle rick and are in either Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, Trials of Apollo, The Kane chronicles, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard.

A/N: the pic is just what I think nico would look like, but with brown eyes, but if you don't like it, feel free to imagine ur own 😘


nico pov:

Currently, I was at Jason's baseball game (A/N I have no idea how baseball works, so just bear with me ). I was sitting in the front row, next to my best friend, piper and my sis, hazel. Percy, Annabeth, Leo, frank, and calypso were all there too. How did I get myself into this, you might ask? Well, it had a lot to do with piper, Percy, and Jason begging me to go with them to an arcade. I had agreed because their stupid puppy dog faces were annoying me. Well, turns out they tricked me into coming to a baseball game. Jason's baseball game. 

I had a big bucket of popcorn in between my legs and piper was devouring the whole entire thing. I didn't really mind though. I wasn't that enthusiastic about popcorn....or food in general. 

I had no freaking idea how baseball worked, and thought it was the most boringist thing ever and I ended up falling asleep on Pipes's shoulder. I distinctly heard Percy suggest drawing a mustache on my face and Annabeth scolding him. 

*░▒▓█ 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 █▓▒░*

When i woke up, I realized Jason was carrying me. I was too tired to even move but once Jason saw that I was awake, he practically screamed. "Neeeeek's!!! You're awake!!" 

"No sh*t, sherlock" I mumbled groggily. I realized we were all walking to Percy's bright blue van that said SAVE THE OCEAN in bright yellow letters on the side. I scrambled out of Jason's arms, not so tired anymore, and stumbled into Percy. He smiled, like he knew something I didn't. 

I walked straight past them and sidled up next to piper. She smiled wickedly too. Now I knew something was wrong. I looked at her weirdly and glared at the same time. The crazed smile didn't leave her face, and now she wasn't even trying to hide it. 

I just left all of them and ran to the ugly old van, waiting for Percy to unlock the door. Then I remembered, Percy, being the idiot that he is, would forget to lock the doors. I pulled the rusty door open and climbed over the seats to get to the back. Apparently, I was the "smallest" and had to sit in the cramped backseat with a hyperactive Latino elf, aka, the other "smallest". 

Once the others got in, I asked them, "Okay, what's going on?" 

Percy and Jason smirked before Piper sang "someone has a cruush on youuu" Are my friends okay? They got this over excited about someone having a crush on me? Oh, wait.. ON ME!

Hazel saw my disbelieving face and smiled reassuringly. "What they're saying is true, Nico"

I looked at her sweet, innocent face. Yep, they apparently  were telling the truth. Suspiciously, I asked "Who?"  "the pitcher from my team! He was staring at you the whole time and asked me if you were single!!" Jason fangirled. 

"Alright," I tried. "what's his name?" 

"Will Solace," Percy said.  "But.. why would someone have a crush on, you know, me?" I asked. 

"Oh come on Neeks!" Piper exclaimed. "If you weren't gay and my best friend, i would literally marry you. You're too hot for your own good! But sadly, I'm dating this dork, over here" she said, playfully elbowing Jason.  Jason laughed. "I really should be offended, but I'm not" 

I rolled my eyes at them, glancing to Leo on my side. All of my friends were couples. Percy&Annabeth, Jason&Pipes, Leo&Callie, Frank&Hazel...never mind, hopefully one day, I would find someone.

I'll keep my eye out for that baseball pitcher...


On Jason's next game, I kept my eyes wide open. I just had  to see that pitcher. And when I did...

oh wow

This guy was a literal angel. Sandy blond hair, tanned skin, freckles sprinkled across his nose. I breathed sharply and tried to take my eyes off the player, but we were in the first row and I had I clear view of his piercing, bright blue eyes. 

I'm so screwed. 

He caught my eye and winked, his hair falling into his eyes. I blushed bright red and preceded to bury my face into Piper's shoulder. She glanced down on me and laughed out loud. My face was probably as red as Taylor Swift's lipstick. 

"Caught sight of solace, huh?" she asked me. "oops, be careful, he's walking up to us now"

I immediately glanced up. There in all his angelic glory, was will solace walking up to us. 

"Hey Piper!" he waved to her. "Hey Wilbert," she said cheekily. "Omg Pipes, get it right, it's William! It's like teaching a 2 year old." will grumbled.  

"oh don't be such a baby, Willl!" she laughed shoving him away from the stands. He snorted and then glanced at me. Then Will blushed and looked away. 

Piper, being the matchmaker she is, decided to butt in. "Soo, Nico, got your eye on someone?" she smirked, very noticeably. 

"Shuddup" I groaned. Will laughed, a sound that was music to my ears.

"Well Pipes, I gotta go...see you later" he said, but he was only looking at me.

My face was even redder than a stop sign now. "Wow, never seen the great di Angelo so flustered in my whole life. What's gonna happen next, unicorns eating babies and bananas?" Leo joked. Piper and Percy laughed. Hazel, Callie, and Frank looked sympathetic  for me. Annabeth just said "don't make fun of him!"

When Percy got back from getting snacks, he avoided giving Leo the candy and gave it to Hazel instead. But just to be mean, Percy gave me the big popcorn. So basically, I would have a hyperactive Leo/Piper sticking their grubby hands into the popcorn bucket every 5 seconds. 

When the game started, I didn't want to fall asleep, but Piper and Percy noticed my drowsiness. "How much sleep did you get last night, Neeks?"  I just shrugged and they both frowned. Percy luckily got an extra coke and I downed the whole thing, eager for the caffeine to wake up my sleep system. 

So far, our team was winning, we got 1 homerun and were beating the other team by 4 points. When it was time to leave I was almost ready to pass out. I swayed a little bit, but caught myself. Jason was walking back to the car with us after saying goodbye to his team. "Nico, are you ok?' Jason asked gently. I nodded, trying to force a smile onto my face, but I knew it looked as fake as heck. I didn't feel good at all. Since morning, I had been slightly nauseous, coughing a lot and either been really hot or super cold. Jason held his hand to my forehead and I had the urge to push him away but my limbs felt like goo. Jason frowned, "You're burning up," The others were listening now. "You sure your alright?" This time, I shook my head no. "I feel like I'm gonna pass out." I said drowsily. And that was all I remember before my knees buckled and someone was yelling and then there was black. (A/N: ik this is kinda dramatic but i had no idea what to do so just bear with me😓)

*░▒▓█ 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 █▓▒░*

I woke up to yelling. I sat up and realized I was on the couch in Percy's living room. "Percy?" I mumbled. My head was killing me, my throat was parched and my stomach hurt like hell.  Percy's mom, Sally came over to the couch.  "Hey sweetie, you alright?" she asked.  I heard Piper's voice yell: "HE'S AWAKE?!!?" she ran over, her french braids from yesterday kinds messy from bed head. I fully sat up now. "Can I have some coffee?" I asked Sally. "f'course sweetie," she said then left to the kitchen. Piper glared at me then screeched: "YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK, PASSING OUT LIKE THAT, YOU LITTLE B**CH!" 

"Good morning to you too Pipes"

(there is gonna be a part 2 of this soon so yea) cya later wattpaders

-avi ❅ ❀ 𑁍 ❃

1407 words

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