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So, this isn't my story again but it's by buoyantsaturn! i absolutely love their work and you should definitely check it out on ao3. anyway, it's called perfect places. here's the link for it

Nico pushed through the door and walked into the classroom he would be teaching in soon enough. He hadn't been hired yet, hadn't even interviewed, but he knew he would have the job secured within the hour. He approached the community center board - a couple of members smiling at him as he approached, the rest not even acknowledging his presence - and the woman at the center of the table said, "Hello, are you here to interview for one of the teaching positions?"

"Yes I am," Nico answered. "The cooking class, specifically."

"Great! And what are your qualifications?"

"I'm Italian." Each member of the board frowned up at him. "Let me cook something for you."

As Nico walked them through his process and presented the board with a surprisingly simple dish, he was hired on the spot.

Will was lucky to have graduated with job offers already on the table, so the same day that he received his Master's degree, he hopped on a plane to New York. He had an apartment lined up, though the lease didn't start for another week, and he only had a single suitcase's worth of clothes to hold him over until the rest of his belongings shipped. Admittedly, he hadn't set himself up for a great first week as a real adult, but he knew he would figure something out. Hopefully sooner rather than later, too.

He fired his phone up once he got off the plane, ignoring most of the texts and emails that came through immediately when all he really wanted was to find a hotel somewhere. As he was skimming through his notifications, one text in particular caught his eye.

From: Piper the Great; congrats on graduating!! we have to meet up soon, I feel like I haven't seen you in FOREVER!! text me when you're free and we can get dinner or something!!

Rather than responding, Will hit the call button next to Piper's name, and held the phone up to his ear. "Hey Piper, you're still living in New York, right? Is there any chance you've got a couch I could crash on for a few nights?"

"Oh, sure, you don't call in months, and now you expect a free place to stay?" she started, sounding so serious that Will winced, though she continued with, "Of course you can. Go get a cab, I'll text you my address."

"Thanks, Piper, you're a lifesaver," Will told her.

"No problem, Sunny D," she replied, and Will had to fight the sudden urge to hang up on her just for bringing up that old nickname. "I'll see you soon!"

"Right back at you, Lightning McLean," he shot back in revenge.

"Oh, you watch yourself, Solace, or I won't let you in once you get here."

"You wouldn't do that to me, you love me too much."

"We'll see about that."

Will found his way out of the airport - only adding a few minutes to his stay in the airport when he got turned around - and to the line of taxis that were waiting outside for customers, then read Piper's address off to the cab driver once he had sat down in the backseat. The cab ride was plenty long enough for Will to call his mom and let her know that his flight landed safely, as well as listen to everything that had happened in Texas since he had last called her right before his flight took off.

He was still on the phone with her even as he climbed out of the cab and collected his suitcase, repeatedly trying to get her attention to end the call in the nicest way possible even as Piper walked out the door of her apartment building and started making faces at him - it was like they were in undergrad all over again.

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