Supercut by buoyantsaturn

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This isn't my story, it's buoyantsaturn's from ao3, jsyk. i  think it's so cute and adorable so here yall go (if anyone even reads this.. :


Nico always had his notifications turned off - with as many followers as he had, it was understandable, since the notifications came in like a flood at all hours of the day. That didn't mean that he completely ignored them, of course, because he liked reading some of the comments that people would leave him and - since he'd started getting paid by sponsors for his posts (which he still didn't fully understand, but he wasn't going to complain) - he liked seeing which of his posts got more likes and comments than others.

For the most part, the pictures with Nico's face in them got the most reaction. A lot of the time, the comments that people would leave on those pictures made Nico a little bit uncomfortable - they were like catcalls, only over the internet - but Nico figured he could ignore it and leave commenting enabled because the good comments he got outweighed the bad.

There was one new follower that Nico had recently gotten, whose name kept popping up on Nico's notifications as he scrolled through them. He liked a lot of Nico's pictures, though when Nico went through and checked, the only ones that he'd liked had Nico's face in them - a lot of people did that, sure, but those people also tended to leave the creepiest comments. This follower - sunshine.solace - had only left Nico one comment on his most recent picture of himself which said only a single word: beautiful.

Out of boredom, Nico decided to check out sunshine.solace's account. He had about two hundred followers, much less than Nico, and his pictures were all much brighter and had happier vibes than any of Nico's. His picture was of a pretty blond boy with golden hair and a million freckles, such a wide smile that his eyes were nearly shut - Nico guessed that the picture was taken in the middle of a laugh - and he had three stripes painted on his cheeks in the color of the bi-pride flag. His bio was simple: will. 21. bi.

Every picture that Will had ever posted was stunning. Perfect lens flares, just the right angles, a sort of brightness that was calming rather than blinding. The subject of most of the pictures - the same beautiful blond from the profile picture - was the best part of it all. Nico could stare at those pictures all day if he could.

He liked one of them. Without thinking, he opened up his DMs and sent a message to Will: hey sunshine. His brain didn't catch up until the message had already been sent, and there was no getting it back.

Nico shut off the screen and shoved the phone under his pillow, as if that would prevent any response from coming through. His phone buzzed, and Nico hoped it was a text or an email or anything but a response and without checking it, he grabbed the phone and ran out of his room and into the living room where Hazel was sitting on the couch.

He practically dove onto the couch, shoving the phone into Hazel's hand before hugging a pillow close to his chest.

"What's happening right now?" Hazel asked, muting the TV before turning so that her brother had her full attention.

"You know how you and Jason always say that I should just go for it and talk to somebody? You know, like, date-wise?" Nico said, staring at his phone like he was afraid of it.

"Yes, I believe I recall saying something like that," Hazel said.

"I messaged somebody on Instagram," he said. "I don't know why, I have no idea what I was thinking, but I think he responded and I'm too afraid to look at it."

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