The louvre

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So this isn't my story, it's from Ao3 but i really liked it and posted it here so yea. it's called the louvre by buoyantsaturn 💖💖💖💖💖💖 here's the link for it on ao3:

While Will couldn't see, he knew almost exactly where he was when someone bumped into him on the street with a harsh, "Watch where you're going." He was about six blocks from the apartment that he shared with his sister Kayla - four blocks north and two blocks east - and he was maybe twenty feet from the next crosswalk.

He snorted a laugh, assuming that the man that had collided with him had already continued on, and said, "Yeah, I'll be sure to do that."

Will shifted his weight forward and gave a light tug on the leash in his hand, though his service dog Mina didn't budge at his side, which meant that there must have been something blocking his path.

"Oh, shit," the same voice from before said from directly in front of Will, the bitterness completely cleared from his tone. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize."

"Don't worry about it," Will said. "Honest mistake, it's fine."

"No, that was incredibly rude of me," the man said, and Will realized that he wasn't about to just let it go. "Let me make it up to you somehow. Can I buy you a coffee?"

Will's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Normally someone would offer to walk him across the street or something else equally as condescending. "Oh! Uh, sure. I think there's a coffee shop at the end of the block here - I mean, if the smell is anything to go by."

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites," the man said, and there was a subtle difference in his voice that made Will suspect that he'd taken a few steps away from him and toward the coffee shop. Will went to take a step to follow the sound of the man's voice, but Mina pressed protectively against his leg.

"Mina, don't be rude," Will said to his dog, and so after a short moment she allowed him to follow the other man. "I'm Will, by the way."

"Nico," the other responded. "Hang on, let me get the door." There was the sound of bells chiming that let Will know to continue walking forward until he was assaulted by the smell of coffee and the loud whirring of machines. "Do you want to grab a table?"

"Yes, if you don't mind," Will said.

"Sure, most of the tables are open, except for the ones near the windows," Nico told him. "Uh, they're off to your left, the closest is maybe five feet away from you. I can order if you want to take a seat?"

"Could you get me a mocha frappe?" Will asked, and waited for Nico confirm before he turned and allowed Mina to lead him to the nearest table. He sat with his back to the door, and he felt Mina relaxing until she was laying under the table, completely covering one of Will's feet. There wasn't anything for him to do except sit and wait, so he tried to listen for something - anything that wasn't the hissing and grinding of the machines all tucked into one corner of the room.

The first thing he caught was Nico's voice saying, "--and a mocha frappe."

"Ooh, got yourself a date, did you?" the barista asked in a teasing tone.

"I wish," Nico said, and in his surprise, Will momentarily lost his focus on the conversation.

"--snatch him up before somebody else does," he heard the barista say when he caught up again. "He's too cute for his own good. Anyway! Here are your drinks, enjoy!"

"Excuse me, sir," a woman's voice said from right beside Will, startling him so much that he jumped slightly. "We don't allow pets inside."

"Oh, no, it's okay," Will said. "She's a service dog."

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