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Scott cheered on his wife as though she were to perform an encore and deliver twins. Tilda was furious that her husband had gotten her pregnant and squeezed his hand intent on crushing it. She was having an all natural birth and had never done drugs but should have been open. It began to crown with the umbilical cord like a divers air hose. It was slippery and had tentacles. Scott always knew his swimmers were strong. Tilda put her feet up against the braces as the squid gave a thrust of its flexible appendages and strung cord like party streamers. The demon splat on a doctor's face wiggling into his eyes, ears, mouth and nose controlling him he went out instead of helping Tilda with a sticky residue between her legs like pumpkin guts. The fire alarm went off and the hospital was slow to react. Taking a final look at his wife and then both ways down the hall nurses were hung by the necks with a telephone cord trying to make one last call. He kept control over his gag reflex like a magician swallowing swords. Lights flashing and blaring subject retention with experimental drugs was a trip. He burst through a swinging door to an operating room wires where sparks flew from the ceiling beneath a patient with double bypass underway lay alone. The skin held open by clips there was an explosion as his child burst forth. Scott took hold of an IV bag stand for it to land on and thrust it into the lighting fixture. A shower of electric confetti and he ran, a nurse pleading to take her with him Scott had to be faster than her not what was chasing them both. Stopping inside a room with a two way mirror like a convex spoons upside down reflection with a face shield to prevent the spread of plague also in use by riot control men, the squid came in at the same time as the tentacles sucking her face like a kiss in an asshole too small. A pair of shock paddles began to charge in a high whine and didn't warn the squid to clear that flew onto the ceiling ready to bomb like amateur hour at the club. A fire ax in a glass case that he broke with his elbow became a mele which was the best he could do. He was responsible for his son and if he brought it into this world he could take it out. Scott saw it staring daring him to blink, leaping with suction cups on his face shield he tore it off and got to chopping. A tentacle came off limping to a bathroom and flushing itself down a toilet to crawl up drains into rectums when it was better out than in.

Away from dry land in the sewer with tentacles like ropes of poop. He had no noise which was both a blessing and a curse. With no way of knowing which direction he was going he rode the currents. The sunlight was blinding and a bullhorn told Scott to stop where he was and in return he wouldn't be shot. "Civilian you have been in direct violation with the order to observe protocol of project Transcript. You're going to have to come with us." A news helicopter was in the military airspace. He was given a seat forcefully and said he would say anything as long as he could have an energy drink the last before a lifetime in prison. His hands shook but he didn't spill a single drop. A man wore ugly gray suit that had cat fur on it. He had the look of a military man not in active duty but out of hiding when the crisis hit. A recording device was sitting on the table archiving their conversation. The cassette began to rotate. Scott understood the questions but his competency wore down with repetition. An octopus astronaut had not shown up on the ultrasound, the assumption that he was hung like his old man was not satisfactory. The hospital was under evacuation for the people who were still stuck inside. A sleeve of tissue set on the table as the gravity of the situation began to unfold. Closing his eyes to picture his happy place a tear fell out. He thought they were going to experiment on him for his genes. This wasn't their first rodeo.

He took his car home looking at a television showing static like gossamere glass. A single organism from another planet should be enough for a complete take over as soon as it took a step on this Earth. A showdown between yin and yang. His sperm soldiers were closer to tadpoles than he thought when counting. The municipal water supply had a drain leading out of the hospital. The filter system was what all the young people drank. A call to the news about the hospital was all it took for a reporter to get the tour bus guide through modern times. He hadn't told anyone about the baby until they were too far in the pregnancy to hide it. Giving another account of the events was hard after having to recount it so many times. Medical fees were spent at the second hand surplus store. He swore to find an astronaut octopus he was accountable for raising it right. It was a suicide mission making kool-aid safer than water. He wasn't going to have to deal with the kid alone. The dire look in his iris was intense. It made so much sense it was like change for a dollar. Scott had to maintain control as an invasive force was in position to negotiate with weapons. Justin was going to tell his wife he was taking golf lessons on the part of the farm that was bought from tax evasion claiming drink carts as business expenses. Scott didn't want anything to do. He almost told Justin if this were done right he would have to do it himself. A press conference was set up, the governor had not thought today would come and was reading off the teleprompter the same way the bottom of the screen had a scroll repeating the SOS message. The sewers had been around since the realization was made that human waste was harder to clean up in the open. He would need a flashlight and plenty of extra batteries and a shaver with a plethora of razors. It was easy to get lost and pop up across town from having taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque. He put a map on the wall and began to study where the runoff might lead. The octopus astronaut was insuperably thriving in a swamp. He drew a line with a red thread that he wove into a voodoo doll representing his online personality in a parallel universe. The crisis would inflate before stabilizing. The Octopus Astronaut shouldn't have gotten wet and the hospital had to be taken back by force, easy does it. Samples were taken from the jelly the suction cups left on the face along with autopsy. A tent with hazmat was working with salvages from a recovery team. The unnatural occurrence was a result of some freak accident. If the town had a bomber fly over others wouldn't have to die. His phone rang six times while talking to Justin and he sent the same message that he was ok but didn't want to talk as his wife and child were dead and now solitude would become a normal part of his life. He fell asleep eating a sandwich with tomato on his pants and mayo in his shirt and woke up thinking it was all a dream.

Astronaut OcopusWhere stories live. Discover now