Raw Sewage

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Limping, if it did more damage, wouldn't be able to get very far. Every time squid would scamper back they would attack again the individuals were elusive and made it to the group rendezvous perfectly able to communicate in French. Scott was blowing raspberries in the face of death. The quarantine had been to keep people in now it was locking them in. Besieging squid spelling out doom firing percussion keeping them at bay sealing off the main land. A commlink transmission on the radio came in. "Rogue pilot, you are under direct violation of ordinance, do not engage in this airspace or you will be a target." Doing a drive-by shooting, an incoming bomber on radar Scott thought they could take all three teeth rattling inside his head. The air force was delivering stinging pain that was more annoying than anything with desire to punish like a master does to a slave. They had the airspace for a few minutes before regrouping to discuss strategy. Maggpipe put on the cloaking device along with battery acid for a rechargeable car that would burn like Vietnam. Scott took a deep breath savoring the air in case it was his last. Cutting through the atmosphere it was the most natural thing for Scott to pull the trigger. Scourging its head out like a pumpkin it became chum. It was preparing to throw down with a massive tentacle built like a whip, forming a chain of command fighting for the top. A hole dilating, pouring bodies scrambling to patch like a pirates eye. Tilting the chopper the rotors cut like flour in cocaine. Everyone had parachutes ready to deploy, not even Maggpipe was going down with the ship. The kraken was down to its last legs, one less than a cat's number of lives. Attaching their hooks the kraken dug its heels in breaking into a hundred pieces the risk of escape was too pricey. Using the rotors to push the squid in separate directions

Justin was on the ground playing hooky. A squid went on top of his head and a crack of a pistol whip to the dome. With the decomposing kraken he ran dodging the dropping bodies coming down like a tangle of shoe laces. Its final act was tossing the bird skipping like a stone. Scotts chute came open sniping on his way down. On the squid squad control crew he didn't carry any weight from the murder rampage. Fighting back to the back, Maggpipe held a tight perimeter. The anal invaders from outer space were coming from the flank. Scott was tearing each limb a different way "Gergh-ooff-meh." Dislocating the joints he was safe for the time being but Maggpipe was subject to a game of catch. "Leave my friend alone!" The radius of the boom cannon blast was like a rocket engine. Maggpipe came to land in the dirt. Squid became ink stains bleeding into the dirt. Such passion for death was in the air the squid would fight to the end eventually it came. Maggpipe had done well learning to tame it and pet owners were proven to live longer.

The government knew they were there no thanks to the tinfoil hats guarding against autopsy. Taking them to a tent stripping down to their skivvies, the suits were high-tech and not accessible to the public. A rank next in line to advance came to debrief them. "That was quite the ruckus back there. I don't like the resistance in willingness to push back. Disobeying a direct order, the situation was well under control. Now most citizens are untouchables and we are not going to extradite you. You're heroes for having integrity. My associates have questions and they may not be as understanding. The gear is going to undergo reverse engineering. We think you may be aliens. Might as well confess." "I didn't do anything wrong but I'm sure you'll keep me here until that tune changes." Scott said. "The government is doing everything to assure a fair trial and you can wave that for one that's sped up." "There's some eggs waiting to hatch and if you don't let me out all this will be for nothing. We found something wrong with the water and went to investigate and took care of it. That's all you need to know. I'm not under oath but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. You can't handle the truth. Get me out, I hear Thailand is quite nice this time of year." 

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