Secret Tunnel

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The kinetic energy of releasing the spring of their tentacles put them in position to continue leaping. The walls were full slime and Scott had no problem tearing it down to bury squid in a pile of rock. Dust flew up making for an itchy nose. A blessing would be nice to expel the demons that didn't come out in a sneeze, impossible not to blink as fast as life could end. He had a problem keeping the demolition from echoing the reverberations causing a total collapse of the underground system. The screech shook their brains like a snowglobe, rotating a wind up in conclusion were a parasite embodying their host. Suction like a face lift. There wasn't much oxygen left in the cave after its collapse. Their air canister explosion made a hole for breathing room. The storage space tunnel didn't get much use and should be rid of by now. The squid were impossible to eliminate as fast as they came. Probing Justin like a blind person seeing with sight. Shaking his head to get clear vision he was not in such a daze either. The water was a fertilizer as well as hydration like a green thumb. A drain pipe was the only escape sealing off their exit leaving only one way forward. Coming into a room of eggs they slept lightly unborn they couldn't miss what they never had. The ceiling fell on top of the eggs hovering above the brothers and they sent the ruble to the corner removing any trace of their presence. "Today will be known as the independence of Gates when we rid the town of evil." It was a declaration that a local tradition would be held in remembrance of the bravery that took place. They weren't on holiday yet the squatters were gone, the squids on their way out killing two birds with one stone. Sheldon's Lagoon had been hit with a reset. Noah's Ark flood led to excavating the system that could reveal age-old secrets. Metal had gone to rust a speed boat stuck going up current. There was a fine to dump since someone would come clean it up. There was a lot more work the streets above may fall through. Using air canisters as grenades they made their own path through to a less stagnant atmosphere. Their suits blew up like puffer fish and rode the waves. Unfortunately Justin got attention when he would rather be left alone squids choose him to take out. Scott threw himself in the throng digging for his brother. He dove dangerously low on oxygen exploding the pile up. Justin had lost consciousness, possibly comatose. Circling in a downwards spiral Scott held on pushing up. Shooting through the surface they came up to FairView Avenue. With both fists together he hit Justins heart like striking while wearing handcuffs. Raw sewage came out of his mouth like a fountain coughing and sputtering. He took his first breath of real air no longer relying on the finite supply. "Why Mr. Scott, you're my hero. I'm here now, the truth is I never left you kept me alive believing in me you didn't have to know it in your head because you felt it in your heart." "I thought you were a goner. I'd almost lost you for a minute there. I'm getting tired of always being the responsible one especially when it comes to drinking I become loquacious."

Squid was rich in protein and there was enough for an all you can eat sushi buffet. A maid at a hotel got a call that a tenants toilet wasn't working, she gave them a plunger though inhospitable handling human biohazard was infectious. Ever since self cleaning lavatories became an embellishment of the establishment. They cost money to use but time is money and when it's an emergency toot sweet is the word. The sewer was full of waste and squid did well making it home. Maggpipe rang in on the satellite which should get more recognition. He was too busy to meet up in person. He was monitoring Lake Portico and was going to have them pay a visit. Going back home Justin was the only family Scott had left. The reminder came from passing the hospital where autopsies were underway cutting around squid. Something fishy was going on. The DJ on the radio was in quarantine alone with a bottle and hadn't been touching grass green like an Irishman. "On this hour we address the accountability of reliable sources. The attorney general has been hung by his intestines when a lynch mob got upset for the national guard not stopping crime. An invasive algae has made its way to Gates and there's speculation that it is slime from squid. What are we protecting our right to receive non-physical letters on Sundays with email? Think again the moment you take your aluminum hat off you'll be smoking drugs off it try a thinking cap that comes with the graduation gown. Mary Poppins isn't there to trip sit you. Hoard resources and the aliens will steal it, protecting the life of the mothership with abortion is a probe looking for intelligence." Scott had to turn off the radio the Jockey was broadcasting to outer space sending an SOS. Tilda might as well have given birth on the toilet.

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