Seed of Squid

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Their old stomping grounds brought back emotions that wouldn't go away. This was familiar territory and had the home field advantage. A quick anti-climactic ending wouldn't matter just so long as there was closure. Scott got his sperm count and the numbers were wrong. There was enough here to start an island. An electric charge could zap everything in the water but it wasn't salt, an excellent conductor. The squatters camp could have shut down recently. Keeping the light steady was hard with the shadow they were afraid of. Justins heart was fluttering like a strobe light. A screech like nails on a chalkboard announcing its presence like the doorman at a party. Red eyes like rubies with a crazy gleam, trigger happy off the happy juice he let a control spray he was confident would kill anything. Below the water only tentacles were visible grabbing blindly then the head came up locking on splashing playfully not minding the water it came in a straight line immediately in on Scotts face Justin shot it fearful of hitting him. It had been guarding a nest of eggs behind a pillar in a narrow walkway leading to an entrance. Drinking the golden treasure may give them superpowers to confront the next squid but were stolen instead. Their old raft came drifting down the tunnel with someone's face so bloody they didn't know where the tentacles had made holes.

"I don't know who this was but it's Squid handy work and it didn't bother to leave the victims identification." Scott said. All he had to rely on was his brother who would sacrifice himself when there was no need for them both to die. The bodies dumping grounds could be home to more and there was a sign that said "Sheldon's Lagoon." in a wide open door. Which was the founder of a belly up community. A man's face was pulsing blood meaning a squid was done eating and was nearby. He was hung over a chest dying to protect what was inside. Stepping on a plank it began to roll with eggs supporting it. Scott could believe they had the same DNA, humans had that in common with a box of dumb rocks. Everyone here was dead squid didn't make it any easier to inhabit. Footsteps came from behind and a man with tentacles sprouting from his face like a fish was coming at them. Before Scott had time to react Justin shot the head disfiguring whatever was left. Deflation like sighing after an orgasm they had seen enough to need therapy and could avoid engagements by claiming an appointment. Squid here to end nefarious regimes and the brothers had to prove themselves righteous as ambassadors. Their lives were a basis to judge the rest of humanity. Sheldon's lagoon was something the military might like to wipe out with a weapon that got out of hand. A flask came out of Justin's pocket and felt better after drinking. There was a bathroom which was nice since everyone else's poop got all over them and had to hose down under a drain pipe. A pipe broke, spilling out orbs harmless, hopefully causing damage. A man shouldn't have to watch his children die and it took a toll on Scott. He couldn't tell if they were moving inside or if the fall shook it up. One broke with strands of jelly that may have been tentacles. "I think it's time to leave." Justin said and Scott would like to argue and boldly go where no man has gone before. To keep his anger in check he made pretend his fingers were candles and blew them out one at a time, counting down from ten the seconds left to live if he blew up. There were so many if he took a shot for everyone he might as well forget math and drink the bottle. He might be hallucinating this whole thing. Going back and throwing the sack through the hatch a squid got a hook on Justin he could see teeth in the suckers through goggles lenses and there was a crack. "Beam me up, Scotty!" He said gripping a hand pulling him through the top tearing off the suit and stomping their keys were in the grate but they weren't going down and had a magnet pick them up. Dangling for a baby is a game and they had to pry away a tentacle. Scott took a look at his own body for hitchhikers, the squid borne illness was smart enough to kill someone close to curing it. The squids didn't force an entry but they might once it was night. Squid was in the drinking water. They must have been quite the spectacle walking in diving suits like ducks but folks kept indoors the town may have to hold a festival. Stowing the eggs in the trunk to keep a low profile. Mature adults were in lake Portico and became a dominant invasive species burrowing in the sand laying eggs jumping up shrieking their displeasure at being born.

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