the 30th (requested)

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A loud gasp left your lips as your eyes flew open.

Taking a look around, you quickly noticed the man standing over you and you noticed the look of concern in his eyes.

"Relax. You're okay. I need you to stay still for me, alright?" He spoke as he kept one hand on your shoulder, urging you to keep still.

"What happened? Where am I?" You spoke as you moved your eyes and tried to put everything together.

It only took a few seconds for you to put the pieces together on your own though.

You realized you were in the back of an ambulance that was speeding down the street to rush you to the hospital.

It only took a second after that for you to remember what had happened.

You had been driving home after a long and busy day.

The sun was still out but you weren't in the best mood since you were exhausted.

All you wanted was to get home and wait for Billie so you could cuddle and let go of all of the stress and anxiety that the day had held.

But the car coming the opposite way had been distracted by their phone, causing them to swerve into your lane.

As they did so, you ended up being hit by them with a strong force, causing your car to flip a couple of times.

Had it not been for the railing on the bridge, you would've flipped off of it and the damage would've been so much worse.

If that had happened, you might not be awake right now.

Tears filled your eyes as you realized what had happened and as the ambulance pulled up to the hospital, you began to panic and beg for someone to call Billie.

"Please call my girlfriend," You pleaded as they pulled the stretcher out of the back and placed it on the ground before wheeling you in. "Someone call Billie!"

"We'll call her, I promise!" One of the medics said as they tried to get you to calm down.

The damage you had sustained was pretty intense and the pain was starting to set in as they wheeled you into a room and lifted you from the stretcher to put you on the bed.

Things were chaotic.

The doctors and nurses were attending to you and looking you over as they called things out and all you wanted was Billie to be there with you; to hold your hand and calm you down as the chaos brought you intense anxiety, making things worse.

You began to cry as the fear overwhelmed you.

"I need Billie," You cried.

"We're going to get her here for you. I promise." One of the nurses assured, trying to bring you a little comfort through the panic.

Things were a blur from there.

You remember panicking and the doctor being concerned about your injuries before they rushed you to emergency surgery due to some injuries being so severe from the damage.


When you opened your eyes, you stared up at the ceiling for a moment before you felt a kiss on your hand and looked over to see Billie sitting beside you.

"Hey, baby," She said before smiling as a couple of tears fell down her cheeks. "You're awake!"

"When did you get here?"

"A couple of hours ago. Before you were rushed to surgery." She said as she brushed her thumbs across your palm. "Do you remember calling me?"

You thought about it for a second before shaking your head.


"That's okay." She whispered before tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. "You look so pretty."

You let out a weak chuckle before licking your dry lips.

"I'm in a hospital bed after a bad accident. I'm pretty sure I look far from pretty right now."

"You're so wrong." She said as she gently brushed her fingers along your cheek. "After that call I got from you before you were rushed to surgery, I'm just so happy to see those pretty eyes of yours."

She let out a shaky breath before looking down at her hand that was wrapped around yours.

"Billie?" You whispered as you noticed how quiet she'd gotten.

"I saw it." She whispered. "I mean, I didn't see the accident take place. But I passed by the ambulances on my drive to where I had to be. I was in such a rush and I didn't want to be late. I didn't even think of pulling over when I saw the wreck. I didn't see your car or you. It hit me on my way here that you were the one that was in that accident... and I passed it up because I was in such a rush."

"Billie, please," You whispered. "Don't beat yourself up. I understand."

She sniffled as she looked at you, her eyes full of tears.

"When you called me, you were so frantic and so scared. I was told that you were going to be rushed to emergency surgery because you had some severe injuries... including some internal. I wondered..." She paused, struggling to say the words aloud. "I wondered if I was going to lose you. It was terrifying."

"But I'm here." You said and she smiled a little before nodding. "I'm scared though."

"I know." She spoke softly.

"What happened to me? As far as my injuries go?"

She took a breath before looking into your eyes.

"You had some bleeding internally. Thankfully, they were able to stop it pretty fast, but that's why they had to rush you to emergency surgery. You have a few broken bones. There was some flying debris from the accident and they thought you might've suffered internal injuries to some of your organs but thankfully you didn't. You have some cuts from broken glass, some of which required stitches. And you probably have some nerve damage."

You exhaled shakily as it sank in how much damage had been done to your body.

"It could've been worse. A lot worse. You should be alright in a while but you're going to have to let me care for you, okay?"

You nodded before sending her a small smile before squeezing her hand with as much strength as you could.

"I keep wondering what would've happened if things had been different." She whispered. "All of these thoughts keep running through my mind and it's so scary. I keep wondering what would've happened if it was on a different day. On a bridge that didn't have a rail there to keep you from falling. Or on neighborhood streets where kids play? Or the snow or the rain? What if we had kids and you weren't alone and they were there? What if you were remote and no one could find you? Would you still be here if just a single thing had been different?"

"Billie," You whispered, causing the thoughts in her head to slow down. "I know your mind is wandering with so many different possibilities of how this could've happened and how much worse it could've been but I'm here. I'm okay. Or, at least, I will be soon. With a little TLC from my girl."

She sobbed as she squeezed your hand and brought it to her lips, kissing it softly and repeatedly.

"I just can't believe this all happened. I'm sorry, baby."

"Please don't be sorry. None of this is your fault. You're here with me now. That's all I care about."

She nodded and closed her eyes as you used your free hand to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.

"I love you."

"I love you more." She sniffled. "My pretty girl."

You chuckled before she leaned in and gave you a gentle hug.

"I know you're scared. So am I. But I've got you, okay? I promise I'm not going anywhere."

"I know." You said as she kissed your head. "It's alright, baby. I've got you. That's all I need. Even though I'm scared and shaken up, I know I'll be okay. You're here with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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