lazy day cuddles

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You knocked on the front door of Billie's house. The door opened just a few seconds later, a smiling Billie in front of you. You leaned in to kiss her cheek but she turned her head at the last second so your lips would touch hers instead.

''You're so cute,'' you smiled and stepped inside her house. Today is one of her days off in a while and even though you've been dating for three months now, you still had butterflies in your stomach when she called you late last night and asked you to come over this morning for a lazy day together.

She had set everything up; a couple of fluffy throw blankets on the couch, your favorite movie loaded up on Netflix and ready to watch whenever you wanted to, and a few bowls on the floor filled with snacks.

''Oh, Billie, this is so sweet!''

Billie just smiled and grabbed your hand gently. ''Anything for you. Besides, it's been too long since we've had the entire day to spend together and I wanna soak it up as much as possible. I've missed you.''

She fell onto the couch and pulled you down beside her when she was comfortably stretched out. ''I've missed you too.''

Billie reached for the remote and hit play on the movie. It loaded up and a rush of excitement washed over you, as well as a wave of utter happiness as your girlfriend wrapped her arm around your stomach.

''I'm so happy you invited me over today.'' You confessed a few minutes later, craning your neck to get a glimpse of her reaction. ''There's no one else I'd rather spend my day with than you.'' She said then kissed your cheek, a small blush painting your cheeks making you turn your head so she wouldn't see, but she did.

Your legs tangled with hers. You moved your hand over hers, lacing your fingers together. She squeezed your hand; a simple yet sweet silent show of affection.

The day passed by too quickly. Before you knew it, it was nearing the evening now. But it was clear to both of you that you weren't ready to head home yet, and Billie wasn't gonna complain about that.

You let her talk about all the exciting things she's been doing lately and the exciting things yet to come. She vented about her stress, about the anxiety and tiredness she felt while you just laid there and held her hand.

A comfortable silence hung in the air. You exchanged a few lazy kisses until a soft little sigh fell from her lips. ''I'm getting hungry... and sleepy, too.''

You couldn't blame her there. She's got a lot on her plate, a very overwhelming schedule. An idea came to your mind and as you tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and leaned in to kiss her soft cheek. ''Then get some sleep. We can order some takeout or something in a little while. But you should sleep for now.''

''But I wanna spend time with you.'' She pouted, causing you to chuckle.

''It's okay, I'll be right here the whole time. I'm not going anywhere.''

She just sighed and closed her eyes. ''Okay.''

You brushed her cheek with the palm of your hand until she fell asleep. ''Sweet dreams, lovely.'' You whispered and restarted the movie to keep yourself occupied as you continued to cuddle with Billie while she got a few minutes of some well-deserved sleep.

Billie Eilish Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now