Chapter 1- Ghoap dealing with ADHD/Autism

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Ghost on base having a bad day. The lights are too bright and loud. His mask is rubbing against is face awkwardly. His shirt (that Soap bought him on their last mission together) scratching and itching him more uncomfortablely than normal. Ghost is purposefully ignoring or snapping at any recruit that dared to come up to him as he is trying to get to his room. One of the recruit's ran to Soap and explained that what was happening. Soap gave a tight smile and nodded his head.
"Thank you for telling me." He responded genuinely. He stopped doing some of the paperwork he was doing and got up. He quickly made his way to Ghosts room. Ghost had already arrived 10 mins earlier. He was pacing his room quickly. His hands flapping violently as a high pitch whine escaped his lips. He looked up at the door when it opened revealing Soap on the outside. His room now being filled with the lights from the hallway. He grunted and turned away from it.
"Close the door Johnny." He grunted. Soap chuckled quietly and quickly walked in closing the door. "You okay Si?" He asked gently. "Want me to make you some tea? Or is this a hot coco situation?" He asked him. Simon paused his pacing for a moment. "H-hot coco?" He said in a questioning tone. Soap smiled. "Is that what you want?" He asked softly. Simon hummed lowly and nodded. He slowly started to pace again. He whined again and ripped the mask off. He rubbed and scratching at his cheeks and forehead. Soap moved closer and gently grabbed his wrists. "Easy there LT." Simon whimpered and clenched and unclenched his fists.
"I know. I know." Soap said gently. "Do you want to continue to pace in here while I get you coco?" He asked. "Or would you like to get your sunglasses and headphones and come with me?" He rubbed gently circles on his hands.Ghost mouth opened then closed. He grunted and opened his mouth again to try and speak. "Go-." He's sentence was cut short and he closed his mouth humming frustrated. "Okay let's get you your soft half mask, headphones and sunglasses."
Soap said softly. Ghost nodded sharply. Soap let go of Ghost's wrists and made his way to Ghost's bedside table. He opened the top drawer that had Ghost's half masks. He grabbed the softest one and held it out to Ghost. "This one okay Si?" He asked gently. Ghost grabbed it and held it to his face. He shook his head. He handed it back and Soap grabbed another one. This one was not as soft and had a little Soap bar stitched into the corner. "How about this one?" He asked handing it to Ghost. Ghost grabbed the new mask and held it to his face. He hummed and gently rubbed it on his cheeks. Soap chuckled softly. "I'll take that as a yes." He said as he closed the drawer. He then grabbed his noise cancelling headphones and his sunglasses. After Simon put everything on he held his hand out. Soap smiled more.
"Want to hold hands Si?" He asked as he gently grabbed his hand. Simon nodded and gently let their hands rock. "Okay you ready?" Soap asked gently. Ghost nodded and turned to the door. He started to walk to the door and gently pulled Soap with him. Soap chuckled and followed him. Once they were out in the hall Ghost got fidgety. Ghost looked around as if he was on a mission and looking for any threats in the area. Soap gently rubbed circles on Ghost's hand as he took a step forward. Ghost followed him to the community kitchen. Once they got there he let Soap's hand go. Now being out in the open Ghost reframed from stimming. He just leaned against the wall and watched Soap make hot coco for them both. Every now and then Price or Gaz would pop in to get water or something to eat. Soap would greet them as he always did but would also let them know that Ghost wasn't doing to well in the moment. Ghost was greatful to have Soap. He understood him and had similar issues. Soap have trouble with certain textures or sounds being one of the things they had in common.
Once Soap finished making their Hot chocolates he held his elbow out for Ghost to hang onto on their walk back to Simon's room. Simon hummed gently and held Soap's arm. As they walked Simon would lay his head gently on Soap's head to show his affection and gratitude. Soap smiled even more and when they made it to Simon's room he opened the door and let Soap go in first. Soap walked in and gently placed Simon's cup on the little coaster on his bedside table. Simon climb onto his bed after he shut the door and took his shoes off. He laid back against the head board and patted the spot next to him. He then grabbed his Coco and took a sip sighing happily and the warmth of the drink. Soap chuckled and climbed onto the bed next to Simon. He didn't get to close know that it might make him uncomfortable. He know when Simon was ready he would scoot closer to him. They both sat there quietly enjoying each other's company and drinking their Hot Cocos.

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