I hadn't had that dream in a long time.
Not for weeks. But tonight, for some reason, it changed. I didn't remember any details, it was just the same feeling. Pressure in my chest, fear, despair, terrible pain and loss.
I tried to call his name, but my throat constricted.
Panic overcame me. I couldn't find him.
Where is he?
The soothing, smooth voice, the arms embracing me, the familiar scent.
I awoke, confused, disoriented.
The room was dark, I could only make out shadows. My hair was sweaty, I was trembling, tears crept into my eyes.
Silently he pulled me closer, his lips brushing my cheek, hot breath on my skin, long, unruly strands tickling my face.
Relief washed over me that he was with me, holding me in his arms.
It was just a bad dream.
I buried my head in his shoulder and closed my eyes.
He didn't say a word the whole time, just held me as I slowly calmed down. Until sleep overcame me again.
I woke up late. Later than usual.
I'd never been an early bird, but Shira was. He managed to get up before dawn, go jogging, take a shower and make me a cup of coffee before I got out of bed.
Sometimes he would even drag me out and make me go with him. Even when it was freezing outside and there was a layer of snow everywhere.
I hated it, but I guess I could forgive him for anything. Even getting me out of my warm bed and making me run ten kilometres in the cold and snow in the early hours of the morning.
But today he let me sleep.
Yet I felt strangely tired. I vaguely remembered a dream. I recalled Shira's arms around my body, his closeness. Had it really happened?
I pushed the thought aside and went to take a shower.
Then I realised we had a visitor.
Even through the wall I could hear the sound of the young doctor's voice and her snide remarks from the kitchen.
I had become used to Shira and Maya teasing each other and making all sorts of innuendoes. Sometimes they flirted with each other. It bothered me a little, even though I knew it was just a game that neither of them took seriously.
"Taira is still sleeping? I won't wait here forever, I'll wake him up."
"Leave him alone," Shira stopped her, "he needs his sleep."
"Did you make him that tired last night?" The little beast grinned.
"I see you're jealous," he replied and I went straight for the kitchen.
"Taira has nightmares."
Shira's words stopped me before I entered the room. I stayed in the hallway, listening.
"Quite often lately."
Often? Wasn't tonight the first time this had happened?
"Shouldn't you talk to him about it?"
"I don't want to pry too much, we all have bad dreams sometimes. It's probably nothing, but... I just wanted to ask you if..."
"Ask him."

Before the Battle
AdventureA sequel to my book "Caught". These stories continue the plot around the main couple, offer a deeper understanding of the setting and tell you more about the main and secondary characters. English translation of my book "Před bitvou".