Chapter Eleven

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The car came to a stop and Cole helped me out of the car.

It's definitely gentlemanly to hold the doors open, highly chivalrous and I love it.

I just find it weird, maybe cause I'm new to it. I'm used to doing my stuff myself, but one thing is that who ever I end up dating must be chivalrous.

I want the chivalry, its just not something I'm used to.

Walking out of the parking lot, I see that he's brought me to a restaurant. This restaurant has fairy lights hung all around it, giving me the feeling that its only specialty is dinners.

He takes my hand and leads me into the restaurant, and we're met by a hostess. "I have reservations under the name, Cole Benjamin." He says and the lady looks over the papers in her hold. She smiles and ushers us to a table. I like the setting of the restaurant, it looks really comfortable. Its not too crowded, with about 7 tables scattered around.

Our table is to the back and right by the front glass of the restaurant, giving us some privacy as well as a good view of the beautiful evening.

I pick up my menu deciding on my orders. I'm not really hungry so I settle for a plate of fried plantains and gizzard along with a glass of fizzy pop in pineapple flavour. Reading our orders out to the waitress, she leaves to get us our stuff.

"You made a nice choice. This is a very comfortable space." I say. This is not just about boosting his ego, the place is actually very good- I've not had the food yet, but still.

"I'm glad you think so, it took me a while to decide", he starts with a bright smile, "the food is as nice as the scenery." He finishes.

"Really? You come here a lot?"

"Just a few times. I always come here with my brothers whenever they're in the country."

"Your brothers don't live here?"

"Not exactly. They have all their stuff here, but rotate between here and the states. I don't think they're over their friends and all we left behind when we moved here."

"Aww. How long do they stay here whenever they come around?"

"Well, they stay for a few weeks. I think they would have stayed longer, but Ephraim, my baby brother is schooling over there so they spend his breaks over here. He's finishing next year though."

"Oh. That's great. Maybe they'll decide on where to settle by then."

"They have. Our relocation was a little sudden, so they didn't get to prepare themselves. So this rotation helps them transition to living here permanently."

"Ohh. That makes a lot of sense." I say then I realize the intent of this date. In as much as I'm enjoying how open he is in this conversation, I'll need him to be open somewhere else.

"Who are you Cole? Tell me about yourself." I ask and he stares at me silently.

"Well, as you already know, I am Cole Benjamin. First of three sons. I am 28 years old", five years apart, "I was born in the United States of America and lived there until I was 21. I own a few businesses here and there-" he says and I interrupt him.

"'Here and there'? What do you mean? What businesses?" I ask, saying a little thank you to the waiter as our food arrives.

"I own some restaurants and hotels around Nigeria and a few in the US. I also buy and sell stuff; buildings, vehicles, and medical facilities." He says and I just stare at him speechless. I mumble a quiet wow and bit into my food. I moan at how delicious the food is. The gizzard is perfectly cooked and fried. Its definitely a perfect combination with the fried plantain. I look up and see Cole already staring at me. He shakes his head and starts eating his pasta.

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