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"Karan!Karan come here!"

Karan hear Achi voice and jump out from the bed right away and run to the kitchen where Achi is.

"What is it?What happen?"

Karan said but Achi doesn't need to answer.Karan saw a fire burning on a frying pan and Achi was standing near the fire actually holding the frying pan!

Karan fastly take fire extinguisher from the bathroom and spread all over the kitchen.He was afraid that Achi would get the fire that he spray it to Achi too.

After spraying till the last drop Karan finally stop and look at his husband who is cover with all white dust.He go near to him and hold his shoulder."Are you okay?Is anything hurt?"

Karan asked Achi who shake his head saying that he is fine and didn't hurt anything.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." Karan said and hug Achi not minding he's cover with white dust.

"I'm sorry.I just wanna cook for you." Achi said softly and Karan chuckled and look at Achi and wipe Achi pout face.

"I already told you.If you don't know how to cook.You don't have to.I can cook for you till I die.You don't have to exhaust yourself.Look,you wake up at five.Aren't you tired?"

"I just thought I could at least fry pork cause it's your favorite.But as I try to cook rice the pork already burn with fire." Achi said with a sad face.

But Karan just shook his head and hug him while holding his head.This is their daily life.Achi who doesn't know anything about cooking and clumsy as hell was married with a perfect Karan who know everything and did step by step accordingly.

But this is why they are a perfect match.Karan put Achi clumsiness all aside and adore him with all his heart.They are married for almost five months now but Achi can still made his heart pound like crazy just like the first time they met.

Karan did all the cleaning and cooking while Achi was having a bath.He made omelette and juice for both of them.Achi just come out from the bathroom and see that his husband has already finish prepared the breakfast.

Achi POV

How unfair.

I need more than two hours to make this disaster while he need only thirty minutes to clean and make a wonderful beautiful plus tasty breakfast!

End of Achi POV

"Come take a sit." Karan said and both eat the breakfast while Karan wait for Achi reviews."Mmm this is so good!"
Achi said with mouth full."Really?I'm glad.Eat slowly.We have much time."

"But it's so good!" Achi said and Karan just laugh at Achi behavior.How can a thirty old man can be so cute?Then Karan suddenly remember it's almost Achi birthday.He will sure surprise his husband with so many things!Just the thought of it made him excited.

"I'm so full!" Achi said and put down his fork.Karan chuckled and said "Go change first and I'll do the cleaning." Karan said and Achi shake his head."No no no you always said that.I already told you if you cook I'll do the cleaning."

"It's really okay Achi."
Karan said and try to take the dish but Achi stop him."Please let me do it Hubby." Achi said jokingly but it made Karan heart beat fast so much."O-Okay." Karan reply fast and got into their room."If he ever called me like that.I'm sure I would do anything he want." Karan said and touch his chest."Slow down my heart.It's just one word.And you're gonna hear it more often.Get used to it."

8:00 AM

"Are you ready Achi?" Karan asked and Achi just got out from the bedroom wearing his office suit."Yes.Let's go?"

Karan was driving the car while Achi was sleeping.He looked Achi worriedly and whispered "I will told him not to wake up early again..."


"Achi?Achi?" Karan softly shake Achi to wake him up and Achi open his eyes and rub his eyes and yawn."Are you gonna be okay today?" Karan said and Achi smile widely to Karan."Of course!I will be okay!" He said and unbuckle his seatbelt.

"What about me?" Karan asked which made Achi dumbfounded."What about you?" Achi asked back."I think I'm not gonna be okay because...."

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" Karan said and Achi just laugh."Cheesy!" Achi said but Karan haven't enough."Give me a medicine so that I can survive today." Karan said and put his right cheek to Achi side.

Achi knew until he do it Karan will keep pursuing him.So he lean in to kiss Karan cheek but the other turn his head which made Achi kiss Karan on his lips.

"Thank you.Now,I'm gonna have a great day!" Karan said and Achi shock face turn into a smile.He shook his head and both got into the company.

5:30 PM

"I'm so sleepy." Achi said as soon as they got into their house.He manage to endure all day without sleeping with the help of Karan's coffee.

"Take a bath first and then-" Before Karan even finish his word a soft snore can be hear from the sofa.Karan smile and go to his lover.He take off his shoe and bag and put a light blanket on him.He kiss his forehead and go to take a bath.

After his bath,he see that Achi still deep sleep on the sofa.He order some food as he know both got too tired to make a dinner.He slowly go near to Achi and whispered in his ear."Achi take a bath."

"After five minutes...." Achi said and pull his blanket and sleep again.Karan smile and have a great idea.He slowly lift Achi in a bridal style and take him into the bathroom.

He put Achi in the bathtub and took off his shirt and pants.He can't believe that the latter can still sleep.But wait?Who is he talking about?It's Achi.The guy who he fell in love with.

He check the water temperature and made it to warm and slowly splash it to Achi body.Karan was amaze that Achi didn't even bulge after all of this.After five minutes of bathing,Achi slowly open his eyes and see Karan tenderly clean his body.

He was wide awake after seeing that and have a panick."K-Karan what are you doing?"

"Bath you?" Karan said like it is the most simplest things to do in the world."You should wake me up." Achi said and look Karan.His cheek was red as tomato."Don't be shy.We already get married." Karan said and continue cleaning Achi.

"Still..." Achi said that but he stay still to let Karan finish bathing him.He pout again which make Karan smile.

Karan made Achi wore the bathrobe and pick him with a bridal style again.He made him sit on the dining table and dry his hair with a towel.Right at that moment the bell ring."It must be the food." Karan said and get to the door.

"Let's eat while it hot." Karan said and Achi nodded.Both got into a comfortable silent.This is their daily life and Karan dream life.He can't never get tired of this.It's just so great that he never want this to disappear.He's so glad that Achi love him back and agreed to give his lifetime with him.



"I love you."


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