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One week later...

"I freaking win the competition but why do you still take that pervert instead of me!?" Pete was beyond furious.He doesn't understand why Kao dismiss him from his position.

"You cannot lead two teams.The teacher told us.It's against the rule." Kao said trying to calm Pete.

"I'd say I'll quit football!Why are you like this Kao?" Pete said and Kao just sighed.Not knowing what to say anymore.

Since Kao doesn't want to talk Pete spoke again.

" you feel disgusted that I like you that you try to push me away?" Pete said lowering his voice.

"It's not like that..." Kao said fast while looking at Pete concerned.

Pete gathered his sanity and try to look not hurt.

"Okay let's put that aside.Whatever if you reject me or not but please don't choose that bastard!"

Pete said pointing at the new Vice President."You mean Put?" Kao asked and Pete's gonna blow up just hearing his name.

"Yes!I saw him looking at you many times like he waited to jump at you!I'm worried okay?That he might do-"

"I'm a man!I can protect myself.So,please put away all the negative thoughts in your mind.Besides,he's the only one who have a perfect swimming record who fits to be the Vice President except you.The competition is near after that he also needs to quit since he's gonna participate in The Moon.So,please don't act like a child and try to understand me okay?"

Kao said while looking at Pete and Pete just take a deep sighed cause he can't never say no to Kao.

After their talk Pete go straight to the exit but on his way he meet the said Put."Oh Pete what are you doing here?" Put was the first one who spoke.Pete gave me a dead glare which confused Put.Pete just try to go away without a problem but his insanity tell him otherwise.

"You.If you ever touch or come near to Kao trust me you'll be sent to the hospital right away." Pete warned and go out right away.

"Let's see." It was Put smirking while he look at Kao and lick his lips.

After the competition....

"Oh my gosh Put I can't believe we really win!" Kao said and hug Put while the man was too focused on his scent.He likes it.He like Kao scent so much.

He try to kiss his neck but Kao let go of him before that."Let's grab some dinner!It's on me!" Kao said and Put nodded while he gave Kao a big smile.

8:30 PM

The swimming team was all drunk except Put cause he said he can't have alcohol due to his health issues.

Kao was also drunk but he made sure he was sober enough to know what's happening.

"Guys I think you all should go home now.I'm gonna freshen up myself a bit at the swimming pool so don't wait me."

Kao said and they all nodded except Put."Oww why Kao?Just come home with us.I'll drop you.You seem drunk." Put said and Apo one of the team member answered before Kao.

"Don't mind him Put.This is Kao.Who love swimming just as he love his life!He'll never leave until he swam once or twice." Apo said and Kao continue."It's my habit Put besides I'm not very drunk like them.You should just sent them home." Kao said and Put nodded reluctantly.

9:10 PM

Kao go right into the swimming pool and he thinks all the alcohol disappear right away.

"Gosh I'm so happy." Kao said and suddenly remember Pete.He rarely see that man this week or maybe he was too busy to even notice him.Kao chuckled remembering Pete words."Really?That proud and selfish person would like me?" He shake his head and get out of the water.

He go to the swimming pool bathroom to take a shower and when he finished he got out and he was shock to see Put sit there on the drawer bench."Oh shit you're scaring me!" Kao said and dry his hair while he was wrap with only a towel.His upper body is all naked.

Put gulped real hard and slowly offer a drink to Kao."Here.To make you more sober." Put said while smiling sweetly while Kao just shook his head."I told you I'll be fine to go home alone yet you'd still come."

"I'm worried okay!I already sent the boys home and now it's your turn." Put said smiling widely and Kao drink the juice Put give it to him.He drink it till the last drop since it's his favorite.

"Wait me.I'll get change and we'll go." Kao said and about to grab his clothes but suddenly his head got dizzy and he almost fall but Put was fast enough to held him before he fall.

"Put,I think something is wrong with me." Kao said while he's being held to Put.

"Don't worry Kao.Everything will be okay."

Put said and started to trail down Kao body.His hands about to move into Kao junior when Kao stop him."What are you doing!" Kao said but he doesn't have enough force to push Put away.

"Do you know how sexy you are Kao?"

Put said and try to kiss Kao but Kao try hard to leave the man but due to his dizziness it was very hard.

"Stop trying!Soon you're gonna be mine anyway." Put said and forcefully kissed Kao while Kao try hard to push him away but Put held his two hands and suck his neck and collarbone.

"Do you know how hard I held back myself whenever I see you?Today,you got so close to me that I badly wanna touch you.It's not my fault completely okay?It's your fault that you're so sexy." Put said and kissed Kao again.

Kao knew that he's slowly starting to feel unconscious and soon the man in front of him will devour him.Just the thought of it make him wants to cry out loud.It's not like he's afraid but he's so sad that he can't even do anything in this situation.He don't want to lose his virginity to someone dirty like him.

"Stop moving." Put said and try to remove Kao towel when suddenly he was punch by a hard fist.Then he was drag away from Kao and the man threw him in the floor.

"Who the hell are you!" Put said and look at the man.It was Pete.

Pete looks at him like he wanna killed him that Put was so afraid that he try to run but he was blocked by another person.It was Wai,Pete's best friend.

Pete kick him hard and sit on his stomach while he threw many punch to Put."I told you very clear that if you touch Kao you'll be sent to hospital.But now I guess I should sent you to hell."

Pete said and punch Put until he blank out.But Pete wasn't had enough he get up and kick him in different part of his body.

Wai came fast to stop because Pete might really kill the man."Pete stop!You're gonna kill him!" Wai said and try to separate him but Pete has not enough "I'm gonna killed him!How dare he touch my Kao!"

"Think Kao first!" Wai said and Pete look at Kao who held himself while he sit in the corner shivering."Pete..." Kao said while looking at Pete and his tear drop.

Seeing that Pete fastly go near to Kao and sit in front of him.Pete broke into million pieces seeing Kao like this.He fastly take off his jacket and put in on Kao.

But he never touch Kao because he was afraid that he would hurt Kao.He saw Kao neck and collarbone which was covered with many hickeys and he got more angry.

He's about to stand up and try to kill Put but Kao held him at the hem of his shirt,stopping him." head felt so dizzy..." Kao mumbled and Pete fastly look Kao more clear and he knew that the bastard give him a drug."A-Are you okay Kao?No- I'm sorry I was late.W-What do you want me to do?Tell me I would do anything for you." Pete asked continuously.It seems like he is more broken than Kao.Pete patiently wait for Kao answer while he look at him in his eyes.

Kao slowly go near to Peat and hug him tight with his two hands.He buried his face on Peat shoulder not wanting to see Put lying there with many blood.Kao took a deep breath and whispered to Pete,"Take me home please."


AN - sorry

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