On the Run

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Mara had been running as if her life was on the line. She fled the Big House moments after her prophecy was given. And her quest?

She was going to see her father before the trio did. She had to prove her father was innocent in some way.

It was raining hard and faster now as she made it back to her tree where she grabbed her headphones, wrapping them around her neck. She sees the new poster that had been hung on her tree. A portrait of herself with the words "Hellraiser" on it, and the ink running down the page.

She rips it off and throws it aside.

"I HATE ALL OF YOU!" Mara screamed. It echoed throughout the woods as she checked for her scabbard and immediately began to make her way out of camp.

Declan followed after her, "Where are you going?"

"Are you staying or are you going?" Mara asks as Declan looks back at the camp and to the exit, the large sign hanging above their heads.

"You're going to need your protector!" Declan tells her loudly over the sound of the rain falling. He pulls up a satchel already wrapped around his shoulder. "I'm ready."

As Mara makes her way out, she is grabbed by the shoulder and flipped onto her back.

"Get off me!" Mara shouts. Declan reaches out to the invisible figure, feeling Annabeth's cap and whisking it right off.

Annabeth had Mara pinned on the ground, her expression firm and determined. "Where are you going? Are you crazy?!"

As Mara struggled beneath Annabeth's hold, rain-soaked and defiant, she glared up at her friend. "Let go of me, Annabeth!" she shouted, trying to wriggle free.

Annabeth's grip tightened. "You're not going anywhere, Mara," she retorted, her voice laced with concern. "Not after what just happened back there."

Mara's frustration boiled over, her eyes flashing with determination. "I have to find my Dad!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with urgency. "I don't belong here! Let go of me!"

Declan tried to push Annabeth off but Mara disappeared from underneath the girl's grip. She reappeared underneath the sign, breathing heavily.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" Mara pleaded as Annabeth's shoulders sagged, "You've been doing it perfectly this past week—keep it that way."

"What? I don't know what it is you think I did but this is insanity," Annabeth says as she looks to Declan for help. He simply looks down as Mara turns firm.

"For someone pretty smart, you don't see what's in front of you," Mara replies and Annabeth is hurt by this, "You have your own quest, as I have mine." She grabs Declan and they both dissipate into the shadows, leaving Annabeth by herself.

She was torn.

She ran back to her cabin and immediately began to pack, determination in her eyes as she wanted to catch up to her friend.

Mara and Declan appear on the road where Percy and his mother had allegedly crashed. She collapsed on the side of the road as Declan breathed for air.

"Oh my god," Declan exhaled, "Please don't ever do that again." He gags as he almost throws up on the grass.

Mara rolled onto her side, exhaustion creeping in. The satyr quickly stands and runs over to her, "Are you alright?"

"I need a minute," Mara panted as she sat up. Declan helped her up, "Maybe traveling with two people drains you faster."

"I'd never even done that before," Mara chuckles slightly, "That would have been awkward if it didn't work."

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