Insulting Ares

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Mara woke up gasping for air, the falling sensation still present in her stomach. She sat up and took in her surroundings.

She was back in her cold and dead apartment. Everything was quiet and still—

When she walked up to the hallway expecting to see the cheap lights, she found darkness instead.

A voice whispered out from the dark, "I can answer all of the questions your father can't," It says and Mara straightens up.

"Who are you?"

The voice sighs. "A judge, a jury, an executioner," he lists.

"And what could you possibly want from me?"

"It's more like what I can do for you, Miss Anderson—daughter of Hades," The voice tells her.

"Like what?" She asks. What could this guy possibly know about Hades? The voice gets louder—

"I can give you all of the answers to your questions...The truth of what really happened with your father and mother," He declares.

Mara's heart raced. She took a cautious step forward, trying to peer into the impenetrable darkness. "What do you know about my parents?" she demanded, her voice steadier than she felt.

The voice chuckled softly, a sound that sent chills down her spine. "I know more than you can imagine, child of the Underworld," it replied. "I know the secrets Hades has kept from you. The truths your mother never had the chance to reveal."

She remembers that this was apart of her prophecy...

Mara's fists clenched. "Why should I trust you?" she asked, her eyes darting around, trying to find the source of the voice.

A figure emerged from the shadows, tall and imposing, cloaked in darkness. "Because I have no reason to lie," the figure said, stepping into the dim light that filtered in from the window. "And because I can show you."

He extended a hand, a small orb of light hovering just above his palm. Images flickered within it, too fast for Mara to make out. Her curiosity piqued, she took a hesitant step closer. "What is that?" she whispered.

"A glimpse into the past," the figure replied. "Come, see for yourself."

Mara hesitated, then reached out, her fingers brushing the edge of the light. And just before she could even see a glimpse into the past, the voice announced, "But there's a price to pay!"

And then, she was awake.


Mara woke up, the ceiling of their train car coming into view. Her head was resting on a pillow in Declan's lap. She sat up, disoriented, the remnants of the strange dream clinging to her mind.

"Mara?" Declan's voice was soft, concerned. "Are you okay?"

She blinked, shaking her head to clear it. "Yeah, just a bad dream," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

Then somebody smacked a newspaper over her head. Mara flinched and looked up, Annabeth's stern face glaring down at her.

She handed Mara the newspaper, "Authorities have put your picture up all over the New York Times. You are reported missing."

"Missing?" Mara asks as she rubs her head.

"And Percy," Annabeth gives Golden Boy a look, "is a known fugitive. We have to get to Santa Monica now."

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