Genevieve Crumb

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Genevieve Melissa Naschkatze Drosselmeyer-Crumb

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Genevieve Melissa Naschkatze Drosselmeyer-Crumb

Parent(s): Gus Crumb (father), Hermione Drosselmeyer-Crumb (mother)

Story: Hansel and Gretel

Destined Role: Gretel

Side: Royal

Age: 14

Roommate: Kylie Cheshire

Gender: She/her

Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic, for now.

Secret Heart's Desire: To find a way for every fairytale to have a good ending for all the characters.

My 'Magic' Touch: I can sense danger much before than any people.

Storybook Romance: I have to figure out which fairytale I'm heading to, first.

Oh 'Curses!' Moments: People make fun of my accent, dressing sense and old-fashioned habits.

Powerful Qualities: Encouraging, Soft-spoken, Adorable.

Most Favorite Subject: Hexonomics. I'm a math whiz.

Least Favorite Subject: Damsel-in-distressing. It's very boring.

BFFAs: Peyton Pea, Madison Hatter and Radiant Beauty are my closest companions who see through my flaws.

Siblings: None

Family (Others): Gretel Naschkatze-Crumb (paternal grandmother), Marzipan Naschkatze-Crumb (paternal grandfather), Herr Drosselmeyer (maternal grandfather), Adelheid Drosselmeyer (maternal grandmother). 

Herman Drosselmeyer (maternal uncle), Yvette Drosselmeyer (maternal aunt), Ottille Drosselmeyer and Fredrich Drosselmeyer (maternal cousins), Helga Crumb (paternal aunt), Wilhelm Crumb (paternal uncle), Henry Crumb (paternal uncle)

Helga Crumb (godmother)

Interests: Collecting things like stamps and coins, math, sweets, doing yoga, etc.

Birthday: September 26

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Favourite Food/Drink: Strawberry cheesecake is absolutely delectable.

Pet: Taffy, my pet mouse.

Name Origin: Genevieve means 'woman of the family' and Melissa means 'honeybee', which refers to the sweet nature and background she has.

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