The meeting : A disaster

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I was in the midst of enjoying a perfectly good Sunday afternoon, lounging on my couch and indulging in a much-needed break from the hectic world of idol life. The last thing I wanted to do was leave the comfort of my home to attend some impromptu meeting at the company. But alas, duty called, and I found myself being whisked away to the office without so much as a moment's notice.

As I settled into my seat in the conference room, my mind couldn't help but wander to the episode of Maid Sama that I had been in the middle of watching before being rudely interrupted. What could possibly be more important than the next installment of my favorite show? Whatever it was, it had better be good.

Before I had a chance to ponder the question further, PD-nim made his grand entrance, his expression grave and serious as he took his place at the head of the table. Something told me that this meeting was about to take a turn for the worse.

And sure enough, it did – in the form of a bombshell announcement that left me reeling in shock. A collaboration between me and BTS? My mind raced with the possibilities, the potential for success and recognition that such a partnership could bring. There were unlimited advantages to be gained, not to mention the sizable boost to my bank account that would inevitably follow.

But amidst all the excitement and anticipation, there was one tiny problem – or rather, one not-so-tiny problem that threatened to derail the entire collaboration before it had even begun. Jimin.

Of course, it was only logical that Jimin would be involved in the collaboration, given that we were both under the same label and all. But that didn't make the prospect of working alongside him any less daunting. If anything, it only made it more so.

You see, Jimin had a way of commanding attention wherever he went, with his effortless charm and magnetic personality. It was like he had some kind of invisible gravitational pull that drew people to him like moths to a flame – myself included.

And therein lay the problem. How was I supposed to focus on the task at hand when Jimin was there, looking all handsome and distracting? It was enough to make me want to pull my hair out in frustration.

As PD-nim outlined the details of the collaboration, my mind raced with a million different thoughts and concerns. Would I be able to keep my emotions in check around Jimin? Or would I end up making a complete fool of myself in front of him and the rest of BTS?

And perhaps most importantly – why did this always seem to happen to me? Why couldn't I catch a break for once in my life?

As I sat in the conference room, trying to wrap my head around the bombshell announcement of the collaboration with BTS, my mind kept drifting back to the one person I knew I could rely on in times of crisis – my best friend, Taehyung.

With Taehyung by my side, I felt a sense of reassurance wash over me. He was like a beacon of light in the darkness, a steady presence amidst the chaos that threatened to engulf me. All I had to do was stick close to him and everything would be okay – or so I hoped.

But as much as I tried to focus on the comforting thought of having Taehyung by my side, my mind kept circling back to the one person I was desperate to avoid – Jimin.

I couldn't deny the strange and inexplicable feelings that had begun to stir within me ever since our time in Hawaii. It was as if the US air had somehow messed with my brain, causing me to see Jimin in a whole new light. And try as I might to brush it off as a mere fluke, I couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that there was something more to it.

Maybe I had always liked Jimin, deep down, and I had only just realized it during our trip to Hawaii. But the thought of admitting such a thing to myself was terrifying – it would mean acknowledging the fact that Jimin occupied a space in my heart that I wasn't quite ready to explore.

And then there was the incident with the basketball – an embarrassing reminder of just how awkward our interactions could be. It was a moment I would much rather forget, but somehow it seemed to linger in the back of my mind like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over any potential feelings I may have had for Jimin.

So as I sat there in the conference room, grappling with my conflicting emotions and trying to come to terms with the reality of the situation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over me like a heavy blanket.

But as reassuring as it was to have Taehyung as my rock, I couldn't shake the nagging realization that he was also Jimin's best friend. It was a fact that loomed over me like a dark cloud, casting a shadow of uncertainty over our friendship and the delicate balance we had managed to maintain thus far.

I couldn't help but wonder – what would happen if Taehyung's loyalty were to be tested? What if he were forced to choose between his loyalty to me and his allegiance to Jimin? The mere thought sent a shiver down my spine, filling me with a sense of dread that I couldn't shake.

I knew that Taehyung would never intentionally betray me, of course. He was the epitome of loyalty and trustworthiness, a friend who had stood by my side through thick and thin. But when it came to matters of the heart, even the strongest bonds could be tested.

This is just getting worse and worse..



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