The Empire

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Captain Red entered the secondary hangar. Inside the hangar were twenty fighters, ten bombers and ten troop transports, each able to accommodate twenty soldiers.
In front of these ships, 200 Stormtroopers lined up at attention, all wearing the same white armor and carrying blasters. Thirty pilots in black pilot armor stood at the extreme right of the Stormtroopers. Red stopped halfway to his battalion, and taking the megaphone held for him by an officer, he put it in front of his helmet and began to speak:

-Soldier! The time has come! Project Resurrection is underway. In a few minutes, we'll be entering the airspace of the planet Ryloth. The mission is very simple: our jammers will disable their communications, while we and several other battalions will have to subdue them. We're going to face natives, untrained in combat, and I won't tolerate failure. Is that clear?


-To your posts!

Red handed the megaphone back to the officer and watched as soldiers and pilots entered their respective ships. An alarm sounded, several red lights flashed in all four corners of the hangar, then the heavy armored door opened, giving a view of Ryloth space and the planet beyond.
The Captain's comlink rang, he activated it and Admiral Nothingwar's voice came through:

-Captain Red, their communications are down, the assault on Lessu can begin.

-Perfect, I'll order the takeoff.

The Captain crossed the hangar at a brisk pace and entered the last troop transport still open. The troop transports were rectangular in shape, equipped with shields and hyperdrives. Once inside the transport, Red pressed the button to close the ramp, connected to the frequency of all the pilots and ordered:

-Take off, fly in attack formation to target, protect troops in flight, then bombard, understood?
-Yes, Captain!

A faint red light flashed across the transport, the reddish glow of the Stormtrooper's white armor making them look more terrifying than ever. The twenty soldiers stood motionless, facing Red.

The ship shook violently as it entered the atmosphere of the Twi'lek world. Accustomed to such disturbances, the Captain didn't flinch. This was not the case for some of the soldiers, who staggered off with loud cries, curses and angry shouts.
Rapidly losing patience with this useless agitation, Red slammed his fist against the ship's side, causing the protests to cease.

The flight continued in great calm, Red enjoying the silence, before being plunged into the euphoria of battle. How long had it been since he'd last fought? A very long time. Nevertheless, his excitement was not as high as that of his men. The Twi'lek trained to fight were few in number, so the battle ahead would be heavily lopsided.
Cutting short his thoughts, the pilot declared:

-Landing in progress, ramp opening in ten seconds.

"Finally", thought the Captain, he picked up his modified blaster and turned his back to his men. A jolt shook the troop transport as it landed, then the ramp opened with a long, shrill squeal.
Red let out a long war cry and ran out, followed by his men. Too late, the Captain fired a salvo at the Twi'lek, who fell, throwing up a cloud of dust around him. He glanced around briefly. They had landed in a steep alley in the Twi'lek capital. The sky was teeming with fighters and bombers assaulting Ryloth. The sounds of explosion and bombardment disturbed the planet's nocturnal silence. Cries of terror mingled with cries of war and pain.

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