chapter two

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Jumping in the back of the plane with Ghost and our respective teams, I rip off my helmet and yank out my ponytail, roughing up my hair to help alleviate the pounding headache I had. "What the fuck." I say, wiping my hand over my face as I try to think how Iran got American missiles.

General Shepherd's missiles.

Taking a seat into the chair beneath me, I place my elbows onto my knees and lay my forehead into my hands. Allowing a deep sigh to fall from my lips comfortably.

American missiles are one of the strongest in the entire world. No other country can compare to the amount of money America has, and with money comes great power.

America has always been power hungry, always has something to prove to other countries to announce to simply never mess with them or their people.

So, for Iran to have their missiles is not something we can simply just let go of that fact. We need to get together, get with Price and Laswell, and get this figured out, quickly.

I felt a presence next to me and be the sound of his exhale as he sat down, I knew it was Ghost. "I don't want to hear it, Ghost."

"I didn't say anything." He retorted back, feeling his eyes linger on my scrunched up face.

"You were going to." I mumble out, earning a push of air coming out of his nose and if I knew any better, I would say he just laughed at me.

"How the fuck, I mean it doesn't make any sense." I say, rubbing my fingers over my eyes, letting the darkness take over before opening them and leaning my head back against the wall of the plane.

"I don't know, we'll figure it out, Ripper." I close my eyes at Ghost and nudge him with my elbow.

"Jade. Rippers off duty right now." I huff out. It's not that I didn't like my call-sign, in fact I loved it. But I like to separate the two versions of myself as best as possible, making sure people know who they are speaking to in that moment, and right now, Jade was here for the rest of the day.

"Okay, Jade. Like I said, we'll figure it out." He restated, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning his head back. "How's your chest?" He asked, concern ripping through his voice. I completely forgot I had gotten stabbed back there.

Ripping off my vest and pulling my shirt downward, just above my cleavage, I turn my body towards Ghost. "Bleeding stopped, still looks nasty though." He leaned forward in his seat to get a closer look at the wound. He nodded his head and patted my leg.

"Like you said, you've been through worse. Get some rest, we debrief with Price when we get back." I nod my head in response and stand up to go sit next to Soap.

"Hey, lass." He said with a tired expression, sending me a soft smile. "How's your wound?" I sit down with an exasperated huff and lean my head against his shoulder.

"It's fine, Johnny. I'm just tired." He responds by giving me a quick kiss in my hair and resting his head on top of mine.

Shortly, I let the much needed sleep overtake me and allow the darkness to creep around us.

[3 hours later]

"Jade, wake up." I hear, as well as feeling a slight shoving of my shoulder. I snap my eyes open quickly and sit up straight in my seat. "Sorry, tried to be gentle." I look over at Johnny and smile.

"It's fine, you know I'm used to it." I say to him, reassuring him that it was, in fact, okay. Sleep was always something that came easy to me, it was what happened during it is what worried me.

Living with constant nightmares, never any dreams, is taxing on the mind. Overtime, you just get annoyed at it but it never fails to make me jolt awake from someone pulling me out of my trance.

The Ripper | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now