chapter five

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[Las Almas, Mexico - October 2022]

My eyes bolt open as I'm abruptly shaken awake by none other than Ghost. His towering figure looms over me, the eerie skull mask that ill probably never get used to seeing obscuring his features, making his unreadable eyes seem even more detached "Get up, we're here." He orders, his voice low and gruff, a sign that he probably did not sleep.

I let out a huff, the remnants of sleep still clinging to me as I pushed myself up from the uncomfortable seat. My muscles protest as I stand, the weight of my weapons and gear setting heavily on my shoulders. I grab my rifle, the cold metal familiar in my hands, and head out onto the tarmac.

The moment I step outside, the oppressive Mexican heat slams into me like a physical force. The sun blazes overhead, its rays mercilessly beating down on the tarmac, which shimmers with the intensity of the heat. My gear feels like a lead weight, trapping the heat against my body, making every movement feel sluggish and laborious.

We're greeted by Alejandro, a tall man with a commanding presence, and another one of his men, both standing with a relaxed but alert posture.

"Alejandro!" Soap's voice rings out enthusiastically, breaking the silence as he strides forward with his usual swagger. He extends his hand to Alejandro, his smile broad and genuine.

"Sergeant MacTavish!" Alejandro responds with a curt nod, his dark eyes sharp and focused as he clasps Soap's hand in a firm handshake.

"Call me Soap." Soap corrects with an easy grin. Alejandro's gaze then shifts to me, his expression unreadable as he sizes me up. "Lieutenant Ripper!" He addresses me, his voice tinged with respect as he extends his hand.

"Jade, pleasure to meet you." I reply, taking his hand with a firm grip. His handshake is strong, a silent show of mutual respect. As we release hands, Alejandro's attention is drawn to Ghost, and a small smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.

"Lieutenant. Laswell says they call you Ghost." Alejandro remarks, his tone inquisitive, as if trying to gauge the man behind the mask. Before Ghost can respond, Soap interjects with a finger pointed upwards.

"Actually, I believe he prefers to be called-"

"That'll do!" Ghost barks, cutting Soap off sharply. His voice is a low growl, filled with an authority that instantly silences any further teasing. I stand between the two, rolling my eyes at their antics. It's like working with a bunch of overgrown children, despite the seriousness of our mission. Alejandro's gaze flickers between the two of them, amusement dancing in his eyes before he continues.

"Welcome to the 'City of Souls'." He says, his voice carrying a note of pride as he gestures broadly to the sprawling landscape of his base.

"I've never been to Mexico." Soap comments, his tone a mix of curiosity and excitement as he walks alongside Alejandro, matching his pace with ease. I fall into step on the other side, my senses on high alert.

"This isn't Mexico... this is Las Almas." Alejandro corrects, his voice firm as he spreads his arms, as if to embrace the city that he clearly holds dear. Although in the vast distance, we can see the city streets lined with colorful buildings, there's a darkness lurking beneath the surface. An unspoken tension that hangs in the air.

"Shepherd's contractors are inbound to reinforce. They're bringing hardware; they'll need room." Ghost states flatly, his voice cutting through the momentary calm like a blade, reminding all of us the seriousness of our task.

"My base is your base." Alejandro responds smoothly, his tone confident as he offers his resources without hesitation.

"Good. Now, where's Hassan?" Ghost asks, his voice clipped and to the point, his mind already on the mission ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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The Ripper | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now