Cafe chat : The trio's conversation

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Somehow, amidst the chaos of my schedule, I managed to carve out some time for our monthly cafe date with my best friends. It was our little tradition – a chance to catch up, unwind, and escape from the pressures of our hectic lives. Ji-eun unnie arrived after me, as always, and Jessi unnie brought up the rear in her own sweet time.

Once we were all settled in, I took a deep breath and decided to finally admit something that had been weighing heavily on my mind.

"Unnie," I began, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah?" they both chimed in unison, their eyes full of concern.

"I... need to tell you something," I continued, my heart pounding in my chest.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Ji-eun unnie asked, reaching out to grasp my hand in hers.

"It's just... I... I might... maybe... I don't even know if it's possible or not... but..." I stumbled over my words, unable to find the courage to say what was really on my mind.

"Quit beating around the bush, kid," Jessi unnie interjected, downing her drink in one gulp. "What's going on?"

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for their reactions. "I... I like Jimin!" I blurted out, my cheeks flushing crimson as the words tumbled from my lips.

Their eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, the cafe seemed to fall silent around us.

"What?" they both exclaimed in unison, their faces breaking into wide grins.

I felt a surge of panic wash over me, wondering if I had just made a huge mistake. But as I looked into their eyes, I saw nothing but love and support reflected back at me.

"Really?" Ji-eun unnie asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

I nodded, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders as I finally admitted the truth.

"Well, well, well," Jessi unnie teased, nudging me playfully. "Looks like someone's got a crush!"

"Well, how did you even fall for him? Do you two meet in the company? Is it the collab? Did he pursue you from your training period... is that what the whole scandal was?" Ji-eun unnie fired off questions at me, her curiosity piqued.

"Unnie... I don't know... when did I even fall for him... all I know is he's on my mind and it's annoying!" I complained, stuffing my face with noodles in an attempt to distract myself from the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me.

"How is having a crush annoying? It's the most entertaining thing in the world," Jessi unnie countered, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"No," I stated firmly, feeling the weight of my conflicting emotions pressing down on me like a heavy burden.

"Well, how did you two even meet?" Ji-eun unnie pressed further, leaning in eagerly.

"I bumped into him in the hallway of the company," I recalled, my cheeks flushing at the memory.

"Oooh~" The two of them cooed in unison, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Stop watching kdramas, life isn't like that," I scolded, rolling my eyes at their melodramatic reactions.

"Am I the unnie or are you?" Jessi unnie shot back, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "You punk," she added with a mock scowl.

"Unnie..." I whined, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the situation.

"This is so bad..." I murmured, resting my head on the table and letting out a frustrated sigh.

"And, after bumping into him. Did anything happen?" Ji-eun unnie asked eagerly, leaning in to hear every detail.

I looked up, my mind racing as I recounted the bizarre sequence of events. "Yeah, we both thought the other was the shadow stalker, so, we both staked out near a cafe and called the police. While we were waiting for the police, I think Jimin got scared and called Taehyung as back up. I saw him and freaked out because I thought that the 'shadow stalker' would harm Taehyung. I ran to save Taehyung and Jimin hit me with a basketball. It caused me to have a mild head injury and a leg injury. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, as Jimin's roommate. After that, I had a hard time trying to get back to the level I was at, because of my injury, and it made debuting really hard."

"What the heck?" Jessi unnie blurted out, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Is this some kind of twisted romcom?" she asked incredulously, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"I don't know! Throughout all of this, HOW and WHEN could I have possibly fallen for him, right? Wrong, somehow I did," I exclaimed, frustration and confusion evident in my tone.

"That's... wow... that is some story..." Ji-eun unnie said, her expression a mixture of shock and disbelief. Poor Ji-eun unnie... she looks traumatized...

The table fell into stunned silence as my friends processed the whirlwind of events that had led to my unexpected feelings for Jimin. It was like something out of a bizarre romantic comedy, except it was my reality, and I had no idea how to navigate through it.

"And you like him?" Ji-eun unnie confirmed, her eyes widening with curiosity.

"Yeah..." I nodded, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up my cheeks.

"When did you realize?" She continued, leaning in closer, her interest piqued.

"When I took that Hawaii trip last year," I said, fidgeting with the fork in my hand.

"What made you realize your feelings?" Jessi unnie asked bluntly, cutting straight to the point.

"What are you, a therapist?" I sarcastically taunted, trying to deflect the question.

"Just answer the damn question," Jessi unnie retorted, her expression unimpressed.

"I realized my feelings when—..."



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