Chapter Two: Sierra

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After a long week of work, Friday finally arrived. 

And no, I haven't had any run-ins with a certain someone. 

My phone rang beside me on the fabric of my couch, and I quickly grabbed the remote to the TV and paused what I was watching. I grabbed the device to see who exactly was calling me at 10pm on a Friday night. 

And yes, I am in my house in my pajamas drinking tea and watching a movie on a Friday night.

Looking at the contact name, I saw that it was Aidan. Immediately, I pressed the green button to answer the call. 


"Kameron! Hi, sorry for calling so late, but I figured you're awake anyways." Aidan said, his voice sounding cheery. It's funny how much he's changed, because the teenage version of himself that I knew was always kind of chill, and laid-back, never having too much to say and definitely was never this enthusiastic when he did. 

"And awake I am," I chuckled awkwardly, realizing that he sounded like he may be out somewhere having a good time, since I could hear music in the background and a few voices. "What's up?" I asked, wondering why exactly he decided to call.

"Well, I would've mentioned this at work today but it would've been innapropriate seeing as you techincally work for me," He began, and I heard a voice behind him mumble something I couldn't quite make out. He laughed, "Stopp," he dragged out with a giggle. Wow, Aidan giggling. Never heard that before. "Anyways," He continued, returning his attention to the phone, "As I was saying, I would have invited you earlier today but I didn't want anyone overhearing. Some of the people at our office can be extremely nosy which you'll find out soon enough." 

"Ah, I see," I said, "Invite me to what, exactly?" 

"I'm having a little get-together tomorrow at noon. It's mostly just some friends and a few of my coworkers but they won't recognize you since they're a part of a different department, so it's nothing to worry about. Basically I wanted to see if you'd come? I've been dying to have Sierra meet you." He explained. 

"Yeah! He hasn't shut up about being reunited with his childhood friend!" I heard a female voice shout from the distance and I laughed. 

"Disregard her," I could feel him roll his eyes, but could hear that he had a smile on his face, "So, do you think you can come? It's at a restaurant. I can text you the address."

I don't know why I was hesitant because of course I would love to go. I want to see what Aidan's life is like here. Who his friends are, meet his fiancé, and most of all catch up with him on all of the years we've missed together. 

Aidan caught on to my silence and so he spoke again, "He won't be there, so don't worry." 

I inhaled a deep breath, "What are you talking about? I wasn't even thinking about that!" I chuckled, "Of course I'll be there. Send me the address."

"On it!" He exclaimed. 

"Oh, and what should I wear-" But he'd already hung up, not really saying goodbye or anything. I let out a small laugh and set my phone back down. I'll just look up the restaurant and dress according to how it looks, I guess. 


The next morning, I don't know why I was nervous, but I was. I really wanted to make a good impression on Aidan's friends, and especially Sierra. She was about to marry Aidan, which sounds fucking insane to even think about. So I needed to make sure to look good, and composed, and not make a fool out of myself. I'm being introduced as Aidan's friend so I can't embarrass him. 

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