Chapter Four: Sick

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Axel surprisingly wasted absolutely no time in walking over to us, getting closer with each footstep. And with each inch he moved towards me I felt myself almost beginning to take a step back. Because though just a second ago I was thinking about him towering over me, now that it's actually happening I don't know if I wanted any part of it at all. 

"Wait," Aidan shook his head. 

Axel was now standing right in front of me. About two feet away. And now that he was here I could see him much more closer and in detail. His face looked more mature. He was more chiseled, his stubble was apparent, and his eyebrows were fluffy and defined. His lips looked rounder, and as I moved my gaze upwards, I noticed a small scar right underneath his eye. 

I furrowed by eyebrows at it, feeling a bit annoyed that I didn't know what that was from. But I instantly shook off the thought and met with his eyes. 

I was practically looking up at him, because he's now over a foot taller than me which is simply absurd. I saw the way his face was darting all across mine the same way that I was inspecting his. 

And I realized barely any seconds had passed since he walked over here, when Aidan spoke again. And that made me realize how fast my eyes were panning across him and how quickly my thoughts were flowing through my head. 

"We were just about to leave," Aidan looked at his brother, who finally pulled his eyes away from me. "What are you even doing here?" Aidan questioned.

"Firstly you had a party without telling me. This place is mine, too." Axel spoke stiffly, and he clenched his teeth. His sharp jaw which told me that he was angry. A look on his face that I was all too familiar with. But his voice was deeper as I suspected. Low, and intimidating. And the way his Adams apple bobs under the skin of his neck made my eyes almost widen. 

But I kept my composure because I am being absolutely ridiculous. 

"I think it's clear why I didn't mention it," Aidan gritted his teeth, looking down at me. 

Sierra interjected, "Am I missing something? Do you two not like each other?" She said, shifting her eyes between Axel and I. Looking at me as I watched him, then looking at him watching me. I then looked at her as she raised an eyebrow in confusion. 

"No. We do not like each other. We've always fought, even as kids." I said simply. 

Looking at Axel again, I saw his eye twitch slightly at my words. "Really?" He only said, rolling his tongue inside his cheek, and angry smirk growing on his face. 

"It's the truth, isn't it?" I jerked my head, annoyed at the fact that he thinks he gets to be mad at me. I'm the only one who even has the authority to be upset here. And if he thinks he can stand here with that smug expression on his beautiful face, then he's absolutely wrong. 

"The truth, is that you're nothing but a bitch who I wish I didn't even see today. Because I was already in a bad mood and the sight of your face just made my day 10x worse." 

"Jesus Christ!" Sierra widened her eyes at his words, "When you said you don't like each other I figured it was just little quarrels. You don't have to be an absolute asshole." She spoke to the man in front of me, clearly shocked. 

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