Chapter Seven: Dirty Thoughts

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"I've actually never taken the train here before," I said, as we waited at the station. It wasn't very crowded at all, which is odd because it's a Saturday night. But one thing I've learned about Chicago is after 9pm everything pretty much shuts down. The streets go quiet, and there aren't very many people out. 

"Course you haven't," Axel said curtly, clicking his tongue, not looking at me. He had his phone out, and was scrolling mindlessly. 

"You're so mean to her for no reason," Mars squinted her eyes at him. She leaned into Andrew, him wrapping his arm over her shoulders. "How far is the train?" Andrew asked Axel, and he looked up as if he was thinking, "Like 5 minutes, I'd say," he answered, going back to scrolling.

"I meant check on your phone, not just take a wild guess." Andrew shook his head. 

Axel didn't reply and only pursed his lips, tapping on his phone screen, "Should be here like--"

He was about to finish speaking but right then we heard the train approaching, "Now."

"Wow," Mars nodded her head, clearly blasted as hell, "Perfect timing." I nodded and agreed, as the doors automatically opened up. I followed Mars and Andrew as they climbed on, Axel following behind me. I don't know why, but I felt his eyes on my ass as I walked. And it didn't bother me, because my ass looked great in these pants. Plus, as we've established, I have decided to let go of our differences for tonight. And with the weed coursing through me, I really did want him bad. 

I smiled at my own thoughts, sitting in an empty seat, Andrew and Mars across from me. Axel sat down next to me, manspreading and touching his knee to mine. I didn't move it, but just stared at him touching me. 

He didn't move or anything, and pulled out his phone once again. This time I could see his screen, and he was literally playing chess. What a nerd. I rolled my eyes, looking up at Mars and Andrew who were whispering things to each other and laughing. I smiled at them, and then looked over at Axel who was far too invested in his phone to notice me. 

His side profile captivated me. His soft skin, his brown eyelashes draped from his lids, the freckles on his nose-- the freckles. I could tell I was really very high, because I grew fixated on him. He'd flipped his baseball cap around, and so it was backwards. His brown hair was peaking through the sides and it was messy under there I know. I fought the urge to want to mess it up some more. 

I know how he likes that... 

And his lips were pressed together, plump and kissable. And I couldn't get over how he looked so much more mature than when we were kids-- obviously-- but somehow he just looked the same. 

"You're staring," His voice brought me back to the moment, and the leg of mine that was touching his tensed up. 

"I was just looking at your phone. The game was interesting."

"What a stupid lie," He shook his head with a smirk, still not even turning his face to look at me at all. So immersed in this game of chess yet talking to me with such ease. "You've always had a staring problem. You never could take your eyes off of me."

I bit my bottom lip, still looking at him in hopes he would look at me, but he didn't. Him talking about staring brought me back to all the time's he used to stare at me. When he used to stare at certain parts of me. When he would look at certain parts of me as if they were the best things he'd seen.

"I know you're not talking about having a staring problem." I said. I had a feeling that once I did, he was thinking about those certain parts of me now too. 

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