Chapter Six: Red Eyes

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He looked startled for just a moment, before turning around. I placed my head in my hands not wanting to look at him because after our fight, interacting feels awkward more than anything. And I really don't want to be angry with him. Not right now.

"Sierra," I mumbled, hitting her shoulder lightly.

"Oh, no," Her eyes widened, she turned and whispered at me, "I totally forgot you don't like each other," She winced. "I'm actually such an idiot, I'm sorry." Her eyes pleaded and I sighed.

"It's okay, just--"

But Axel was already walking over to us. The closer I looked into his eyes, the more I saw that he looked so distracted. Standing right near our table now, I looked up at him but he was maintaining his gaze on Sierra. "Hey," he said to her, "What are you guys up to?" He spoke so casually and carefree, now looking at me with low glossy eyes.

That's when I realized he was high as fuck.

And a part of me wanted to ask him if he had any more weed that I could smoke, too, because being in his presence was annoying me, and I needed to relax.

"Just grabbin dessert," She said, probably aware that Axel was high but I don't think she seemed surprised; as if this was a normal thing.

"Ah, well Kammy loves dessert, so that's great." He said, before shaking his head, "Kameron." I looked at him, grinding my teeth getting angry. But for some reason since he was so calm, I also let myself not get too worked up about it. Because I think he actually just accidentally called me that, and at least he corrected himself.

"Yes I do," I kept my gaze straight on him and he didn't take his eyes off me either. So I took this opportunity to really stare at him as I spoke, "I got a mochi donut." I watched his eyes look at my face, and then my shoulders which were wrapped in a sweater, then my hips and then my legs crossed over each other in this chair. Then back at my eyes.

"I hate mochi so much," Axel cringed, "So of course you like it."

I scoffed, "Right."

Sierra cleared her throat, "Anyways, you should get back to your friends." She spoke to Axel and he looked at her, and then gave me one last stare. Before nodding and walking back to the table his friends were now sitting at. Once he was gone, I could feel Sierra boring her eyes into the side of my face.

I brought my attention back to her, seeing her jaw dropped.

"What?" I shrugged.

"Axel is your ex?"

I didn't say anything, just looking at her, wondering how she'd figured it out. Until it hit me. Of course.

I sighed, because how could I be such an idiot and tell her about his nickname for me. Of course she'd figure it out.

My silence told her everything, and she widened her eyes. "Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to look at him differently, I guess," I ate the last bit of my donut, chewing, "It's okay, it's all in the past."

She shook her head, "No. No way. He did that to you?" Shocked, her words came out croaky as if she was absolutely dumbfounded and couldn't process the fact that the story I told her about him was true. As if she was doubting all of her knowledge about him.

"See, this is why I didn't want to say anything."

She let out a breath, "That's insane-- I don't--" But her words got cut off by a phone call. "Wait, sorry," She said to me, pulling her phone out of her purse and looking at who was calling. Furrowing her eyebrows, she stood up from the table. "I have to take this, sorry. It'll only take a minute."

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