Chapter Five: Sweet Tooth

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"Welcome to Chinatown," Sierra spoke gleefully, taking my hand as we crossed the street. We walked along side a sidewalk, making a turn into an alley. It was nighttime, and so the entire, narrow street was lit up. Neon signs hung from outside the shops, and the restaurants serving ramen noodles and bubble tea were all crowded with people. It was so bustling here, yet somehow also peaceful. 

I wrapped my sweater around my body as a small gust of wind breezed by us. Walking slowly, I was looking into the windows where there were stuffed animals, and little figures up for sale. 

The vibe was so chill. The sun had just set, making everything look so beautiful and animated. 

"Isn't it cute?" Sierra asked me, turning her head and looking into my eyes. I looked up at her with a smile, "It's so cute. I can't believe I've never been here before." 

"It's one of my favorite places in Chicago." She said and I smiled with a nod. "Should we get some of that dessert we're both thinking about?"

I laughed, "Yes please, you've spoken very highly of it so I'm excited." 

I walked with her as she lead us down the alley. We walked by groups of people, some families, some teenagers on dates. It was a Saturday night, and it was nice to see so many people here. Typically I get overwhelmed when there are big crowds, but Sierra is so organized and collected, and it makes it so easy for me to just harness some of that energy. 

We walked into a shop, the bell above the door ringing as we stepped inside. 

"Welcome in!" A young guy at the counter said, and the both of us nodded with a smile. 

"My favorite here is the Matcha Crepe Cake," She said, picking up a menu off of the countertop, "The Mochi Donuts are also amazing. Or so I've heard, at least. Personally I'm not a fan of mochi, but Aidan gets it every time."

"Hmm," I listened to her, focusing on the menu myself, "Okay then how about we order a slice of the cake, and I'll do a donut. That sounds good." 

"Great," She took the menu from me and placed them back on the counter, stepping up to the register and speaking to the man who greeted us, "We'll do one of this," she said, pointing at the green colored cake through the glass, nodding as he pointed to it in order to confirm what she wanted. "And, also the donut," She pointed again, "Oreo?" She asked me. And I loved Oreos and all things Oreo flavored, and so I eagerly nodded. After picking out our desserts the man plated them. 

"That'll be $15.43," He said, setting down our sweets on a tray and placing it on the counter top. I wanted to be quick with getting out my wallet but Sierra had already used her phone and tapped it to pay. I frowned, "You paid for dinner, too."

"I told you I'm the one taking you out. It would just be wrong to take you out to the city and then make you pay," She only said, taking the receipt and then grabbing the tray. "Now shut up and come on, these look so good and I want to it them," She said, eyeing the dessert as we sat down at a table. I rolled my eyes, but let her win because it wasn't worth arguing with her over, since I knew she would not changer her mind. 

"Okay, so, I want to hear more about your life growing up with the triplets. I know Aidan and Axel well of course, but I actually have only met Austin maybe 7 times within the 4 years of dating Aidan. He is a mystery to me. What's he like?" Sierra asked me, and I thought about it. 

"Hmm, well, Austin is quite the mystery I guess. And I don't know him anymore, so I can't say much. But growing up he was... eccentric. Loud, funny, charismatic, cute."

"Cute, huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows, "I would be mad since he looks identical to my fiancé but I'm sure to you all three of them are easily distinguishable."

"Oh, 100% I can spot the difference a mile away. They look nothing alike." I paused, "And yes, Austin was. When I was about 13 or 14, I actually had quite the crush on him." I admitted this to her, because looking back on it, it's just funny. 

And she laughed, "No way!" She took a bite of the cake, "But you know," she mumbled as she finished chewing and then swallowed, "I guess it isn't surprising. Growing up with them, I guess you were sure to catch feelings eventually. You'd be blind if you didn't. Or a lesbian."

I laughed because the second thing was half true, "Well, it wasn't a big deal, because my crush faded away quick. I realized that I was just so close to Austin that I confused my platonic love for him as romantic feelings. Which they definitely weren't."

"I see," She nodded, "So that was it, I guess after that then it was your evil ex, right?"

I shrugged, "Yup." And I appreciated that she didn't tip-toe her words around me. Because my mother still to this day will not mention Axel or any of the boys--clearly, since she failed to mention Aidan and Axel's presence here in Chicago. 

"And I guess you never got along with Axel," She began and I didn't say anything, only biting into my mochi donut. "How come? Did something happen, or you just didn't like him from the get-go?"

I chewed on the donut and raised my eyebrows, "Oh my gosh this is so good," I muffled my words while chewing, moving a hand over my mouth because I definitely didn't look classy while eating this. "I was skeptical because I've never had mochi, but I think this is my new favorite," I said nodding contently, the flavors taking over my mouth. 

"I know! Aidan loves it!" She said with a smile, "I'm glad you're satisfied with it. I don't know what it is, but something about mochi just doesn't really sit well with me. But that's just me. Here, try some of this too," She moved her plate of cake towards me, "Do you like matcha?"

"Mmm, love it," I said, grabbing her fork and taking a bite, "Ughh," I rolled my eyes back dramatically, "Too good."

Sierra laughed at me, and I'm so relieved she didn't catch the fact that I deflected her question. Because after Axel and I argued about 3 weeks ago, I haven't spoken to him, or even seen him for that matter. And I have tried not to think about him, so I didn't want to talk about it. 

Sierra and I continued to talk about other topics, eventually moving our discussion to the wedding. 

"And I've been thinking you know," She spoke, "I need to marry him, now. And it's so irritating that we have to wait so long." She shook her head. 

"Well, why do you have to wait?" I tilted my head. 

"I've just started working on the invites, and still have so many to go," Sierra spoke, continuing to rant about all of the things she has to figure out for her wedding. She talked about the decorations, and preparations, and how difficult it is to balance everything while also trying to act and do auditions.

And I would've kept listening to her, but of course. Of course, a familiar someone had to walk through the door of the shop. I just don't understand why everywhere I go, he seems to appear. 

I watched him walk in with one other guy and a girl. The guy was shorter than Axel, black hair, wearing a hoodie and jeans. With him was a girl, vibrantly red hair which was definitely dyed and not natural, but it looked good on her nonetheless. I was facing the door, and Sierra was facing me, so her back was to Axel and what I assumed to be his friends or something. 

I scanned Axel, watching his eyes still fail to notice me. He was wearing a pair of cargo pants that were a bit baggy, a hoodie, and a baseball cap. His brown locks of hair looked messy, hands in pockets, and his expression looking nonchalant as ever. His face also looked tired, and his eyes were low. 

I kept staring at the three of them as they waited in line to order.

"Hello??" Sierra brought me back to earth, and I nearly flinched. 

"S-sorry, sorry, I got--"

"Distracted, I can tell." She raised an eyebrow at me, turning around. Her eyes landed on Axel and she called out to him. 



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