part 2 : Best friends

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he kept looking her performing abulation..

*Mohammad Za'im*

As Helena began performing ablution, I couldn't help but admire her from outside the gate as her reflection was showing from the mirror so I could seeing her actions.

Helena turned on the tap and washed her hands three times, ensuring that every part was thoroughly cleansed. I noticed and stared her with innocent look that how gently the way her fingers moved then she rinsed her mouth three times, swishing the water around gently before spitting it out. I admired the serenity on her face as she focused on this simple act of purification.

Helena carefully rinsed her nose by sniffing water in and out with her fingers..
After that, she washed her face, beginning at her forehead and moving down to her chin, making sure every part was touched by the cleansing water.
Then, she rolled up her sleeves to her elbows, leaving her arms bare. She washed them carefully and followed by wiping her head and ears.

I kept staring at her hands, my jaw dropped in amazement then I felt a strong desire to hold her hands for a moment. I then Lost in imagination in which i was performing ablution for Helena, following each step as if i were doing it for her.

And finally she washed her feet.
My thoughts were interrupted then I watched her whole standing figure from outside the room, completely lost by her actions.

I fell for her even more, i then realized my heart racing faster than ever before, overwhelmed by my emotions I turned around and leaned against the wall with closed eyes while reviewing her actions that how she performed whole action peacefully and beautifully. It was as if i had never seen anyone perform ablution so meticulously and beautifully before."

I then opened my eyes and heard my phone was ringing i put out my phone from mu pocket pant and saw Alex was calling, I declined the call and walked away from there, when i reached downstairs i saw Alex was standing in the corridor with John. John glanced at me and told Alex while indicating his index finger towards me,
"there is that moron."

Alex looked up from his phone while narrowing his eyes and came near me, i was going fastly with lost look. John shouted while following me and tried to resist me from going.

I then stopped in my tracks and turned my body towards the direction of the voice, i saw Alex and John coming towards me then i moved my head down towards my phone and heard John saying in anger. John asked me angrily wjile looking at me with joined eyebrows,
"Where the hell have you been man? We've been searching for you for a long time."

Then John took a deep breath hold his anger while rolling his eyes towards another direction then he again looked at me and informed me gently.

"We got an assignment to complete before the due date,. Sir Soejin wants us to work on it as a group with first-semester students because he wants to give them a chance to grow their ideas with seniors. So He has given them a task to work with seniors. What's the plan, and when do we start? We need to form a group of five people. Since we are three, we need to find two more from the first semester. Moreover, it's marks-based and will be added to the final term exams."

I didn't notice that Helena is from semester one.
I replied with a low tone, "Let's start now."

I was about to head to the library then Alex stopped me while grabbing my right arm and asked in concern.
"Hey Zaim, you've been a bit off today, everything okay? Don't dare to lie to us we can read your face. I can swear you don't seem fine. Is there something we don't know about? Just open up to us Man."

With that John chimed in, "Come on, man. You know you can tell us anything. We've been through worse together."

As I saw my friends concerned about me, I placed my hand on John's shoulder then i replied while trying to netrualize my tone,
"It's nothing, bro. I'm just a bit tired, I didn't sleep well last night. Ignore it hmm, Let's head to the library for the assignment. I need to check out some books too."

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