Part 8 : Zaim got a heartbreak

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Faris took Helena straight to the hospital while he was completely confused about the situation. He had been trying to figure out that what had happened to make Helena lose her consciousness .

After sometime following a drip, Helena regained her consciousness, she opened her eyes a little and saw Faris sitting beside her holding her right hand, helenaa was about to ask Faris while sitting back. She felt dizzy Then placed her hand over her forehead and closed her eyes again, right then Faris leaned his body a little towards her reclining figure and tried to lay her down while saying,

"Shh Helena lie down , you have not completely recovered yet, you need to take some rest."

Helena lay back while looking at Faris then she asked,
"What happened to me, why am I here ? We were at the party Faris." Suddenly Helena's mind hit the realization and the whole scene started replaying in her mind, she widened her eyes in shock after recalling the incident that she had experienced at the party.

Helena's thoughts broken when she heard Farris saying,
"That's what im asking you ?"
Helena looked at Faris in shock and responded,
"Huhh? Ahhh. I remember, I was performing my Isha salah upstairs then I had started feeling suffocated there I think that's why I lost mt consciousness."

She avoided eye contact from him while responding, She lied to him because she didn't want to tell the truth.
Meanwhile the Doctor came to Helena and started checking her drip while asking ,
"How do you feel Helena?"
She assured him by gesturing with her head,
"I'm fine Doctor."

Faris asked the doctor in concern while standing from his seat,
"What caused her loss of consciousness Doctor ?"
The doctor replied assuringly,
" There is no need to worry , it happened because of suffocation nothing else. You can take her home right after completing the drip, it will finish in a maximum of 20 mins."
The doctor patted Faris on the shoulder and then left from there.

After 20 minutes , her drip finished and she was ready to leave then Faris went to the cash counter to pay the bill,

After that As they settled in the car Helena was sitting in the front seat and told Faris and Fatima while turning her head back where Fatima was sitting,
"Don't let mama and baba know about my condition."
then she moved her head towards Faris and continued,
"I don't want them to worry, if they find out about my condition they will be concerned, so hide this from them hmm?"

Her voice was low and then she looked down at her lap while scratching her nail skin as she was feeling distress but said nothing.

Fatima scoffed and muttered something to herself while moving her eyes towards the car window while Faris reassured her, saying,
"Ok my precious Helena."
Then they headed towards their home.
After reaching home they went to their rooms and slept.

*Helena Ahmed*

As I lay on the bed I couldn't manage to sleep but tossed and turned. Every scene that had happened to me started playing like a movie in my mind, suddenly i sat up while placing my both hands over my ears to block out the sounds of those boys that were haunting my thoughts , i tried my best to shake off those scene but failed.

Then i poured some water into a glass to calm myself but it didn't help too right then i stood from my bed, went to the bathroom and performed abulations . And then started nafl prayer to calm myself down i couldn't resist and cried , i felt distress in my heart and fear lingered over my body as i said Allahuakhbar my lips trembled, i couldn't control my whimpers and let my tears stream down then i went in prostration and cried my heart out.

As i finished my Salah, i raised my both hands to make Dua while saying with tremble lips,

"Oh Lord , my Beloved ALLAH , could you l...let this happen to me ? Aren't You p....pleased with ?"
I stopped , trying to control my whimpers then I continued ,

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