Part 5 : A beautiful dream

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                   *Helena Ahmed*

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                   *Helena Ahmed*

At night, I was performing my Isha Salah. After completing my Salah, I remained seated on my prayer mat and began to make Dua, while raising my both palms .

"Ya Rabbi, the Greatest of all, the One who owns the entire universe, please forgive me, my beloved Allah. You know how much I love You. If I have ever done anything wrong, please forgive me for this. But You know, Allah, I have given my heart to one of Your people. I know he is non-Muslim and he does not belong to my Deen, but Allah, I truly love him. Whenever I see him, I lose myself in him. Whenever he comes in front of me, I can't control myself from falling for him even more than before. I want to be with him; I desire him so deeply, Allah. I want to see him every day. I have never loved anyone in my whole life as much as I started Loving him. If he is better for me, then please, write him in my destiny."

I cried a lot while praying. Then, wiping away my tears, I stood up from my prayer mat, folding it, and then placed it in the cupboard just then I heard my mom calling me for dinner. I went out to help her set the dining table."

After the dinner we all headed to our respective rooms , laying on my stomach, with both of my legs in the air, lost in thoughts about Alex and smiling.

When I closed my eyes suddenly Alex's face appeared in my mind I quickly opened my eyes while shaking my head in disbelief and muttered to myself with a shocked expression.


huhh, why.?

But why?

Ohh God what has gotten into me?

My God now he's appearing in my imagination,

yaahhh Helena come to your senses girl or else you'll be caught.

Yahh girl he's going to think I'm such a fool if he ever finds out, stop being ridiculous Helena."

I shook my head again and patted both of my cheeks with my palms to suppressed my blush. Then, I tried to sleep since I had university tomorrow, but I couldn't manage to fall asleep. Instead, I kept smiling while imagining Alex's face in my mind. I felt anxious about seeing him tomorrow.

            *Muhammad Zaim*

"Hey, Ha-eun give me a glass of whiskey."

I arrived at Cheers and Chills bar to calm myself, hanging my head after ordering my drink, i was thinking about what had happened at home. I had never loved my stepmother ever, nor i could tolerate her presence so i had left from there, because i believed my own mother had died in a cancer because of my stepmother because my dad married Jessica and gave stress to my beloved mother that caused her death. I hate them both jesscia and my dad.

"Here is your drink Zaim."
Ha-eun said,

I was sitting on the bar chair opposite the table. Ha-eun passed the drink from the bar counter to me while looking at me with furrowed eyebrows because he had never looked at me like that before. I rarely get disappointed, but out of curiosity he asked me while placing his palm on my shoulder and leaning down to my level,
"Hey buddy, are you okay?"

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