Steve x Female Y/n- insecurities

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Y/n pov:

I've never been the prettiest girl in the class. Never the most athletic, the skinniest, or the funniest girl as well. I was just me, a normal girl with overall a normal life. The only thing that was "normal" in my life was that my parents were divorced, my dad had found a new girlfriend after the divorce too, her name was Bethany.

She was the devil, she has been rude to me from the very first time we met. She always commented on my crooked teeth, even though they weren't that bad, and on my weight. Even worse, my step-brother was a Soc.

But, here I am 8 years later. I am now 16 and have a great relationship with both my parents, just not with my dad's "family".

Time skip, it's 9:00 and she's at school
Steve pov:

"Hellooooo?Earth to Steve!" I heard Ponyboy yell. I got caught looking at Y/n again. She's so pretty with her (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and if she's in the sun a certain way it just enhances her beauty. I looked over at him annoyed, "what!".

He didn't say anything back, he just continued to talk to Johnny. I sighed and I stood up to walk outside. As I was walking it felt like someone was staring right at me, I can usually tell when someone is looking at me or my gang. But I ignored it, since I am the hottest man here (my deepest apologies but let's face it, Steve would say that).

Y/n pov:

"Come on girl, just do it" I heard Marcia say. Even though I was a Greaser Marcia always let me sit with her at lunch and talk to her during class. I blushed a deep red and managed to say "w-what are you taking about?". She laughed then proceeded to talk "you love Steve Y/n, go for it" she winked at me then pointed towards a door that led to outside, "he went that way".

I took the courage that she gave me, stood up, and walked out the door. Bad news, I couldn't see him anywhere so I started walking around. I went to the side of the school that had some swings, a basketball court, some tables and seats, and beautiful tulips that were all different colors.

Tulips were my favorite flower, I walked over to them and sat down on the ground. "If only I was as pretty as flowers" I whispered to myself, everybody knew that I wasn't a looker. Actually, I was quite the opposite. I was hideous, Marcia always said I shouldn't give myself a hard time but I know it's true.

I teared up but I let my thoughts continue. "If only I could make people see the positive side of me, instead they see how fat I am, how my hair is always bad, my acne is severe, and my eczema"(eczema is basically really dry skin if you didn't know). I gently picked one of the tulips and looked at it, even though it was hard to see because of my tears.

"You're none of those things" I heard someone say with a sweet tone. I quickly wiped my tears away and looked to where the sound was coming from. "...Steve?" I said quietly, so quietly that you could barely hear it. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I am, I have a muffin top for crying out loud!"  "well, good thing I like muffins" he then laughed after his comment. I giggled a little and laid my head down on his shoulder. Steve started complementing everything about me, from my looks, to my hobbies, then to my personality.

2 weeks later
Steve pov:

I can't believe it, me and Y/n are finally friends. Well, even more than that now! We're boyfriend and girlfriend after I helped her with how she saw herself. Everyday in school we smiled at each other across the room, we would spend every second together as long as we were allowed, she also comes to Soda's house every now and then to see me.

Hopefully she feels the same as me because I plan on marrying her in the near future.

Hello!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and also sorry it took me so long to update. Byeee

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