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*Taraji's POV*

I ended up sleeping in the guest room because sleeping in a room with Fantasia now was gonna make me crazy, especially because I can't touch her.
As I laid on my back I heard the front door open, I figured it was Halle so I got up and rushed to the door. As I said it was Halle

"Come here now lil girl" I said to her playfully pulling her into the room I was staying in.

"Why are you sleeping in here!"

"That's not the point right now, why were you at Gabrielle's house?" I tilted my head

"Uhm well.."

"Bitch if you don't start taking" said wanting to know the truth and the full truth.

"We are talking, yes I know what it looks like she hated my guts bla bla bla, but over her little trip she texted me and expressed how she felt" explained Halle

"Aww, I'm so happy for you Hals, atleast some people express their feelings.." I said looking down fiddling with my fingers.

"What do you mean hunny?" She lifted my head carefully with her fingers

"For the past 3 weeks Fantasia had been pushing me away and it kills me, I think you have something to do with it.." I admitted

"At do you mean I've got something to do with it? Does she think that we.." she started to giggle

"I think she does, stop laughing!!!" I busted out laughing shortly after.

I love Halle like my sister.

"Halle have you talked to your mom since.. you know?"

"Nah I refuse to speak to that heffa" she said wagging her fingers around in my face.

"Okay well, I'm tired you wanna sleep here tonight?"

"Uhh sure!" She said getting all cozy in the bed and so did I.

We fell asleep shortly after giggling and tickling each other

I woke up in the middle of the night to get some water but Fantasia was there.

"Mmcht" I said going back to my the room not even caring about the water and how thirsty I was before then

"Taraji wait" I paused and slowly turning around

"Yes Fantasia? I just wanna go back to bed"

"I'm sorry Taraji"

"What are you sorry for? Because miss Fantasia ain't never wrong" I wagged my fingers pointing to her

"Why are you making this so hard Taraji?!"

"First of all, lower your motherfucking tone, I'm making this hard because you made it hard for me for the past 3 and a half weeks!"

"That's because I have a lot of pride T, I thought that you and Halle was a thing until I realized that you weren't, but I couldn't say sorry then but now I can say it. I'm sorry Taraji, I miss you"

"You thought I was cheating on you with Halle?!" I was pissed because why would she even THINK to accuse me of such?

"You know what, I forgive and miss you too Fantasia but you need to work on your communication and trust fucking issues, because I'm always on the receiving end and it hurts so much!!!!" I exclaimed but had to still keep it quiet for everyone was asleep.

"I'm sorry, I will be better I promise" she leaned in for a kiss but I backed away.

"I'm not ready to kiss you yet, and I sure ain't ready to come back into the room. Goodnight Tasia" I walked away

It felt good to have her back but I'm not ready for it all as yet, she really fucked me up.


Hey guys! They are better now.?

But I would like to address one thing, I absolutely hate when people try to dictate how I write my story, I know what I write and there is always reasons for what I write. So please allow me to do what I do. Please!!!

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