For a moment

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Vaggie leaned against the doorway, watching Y/N as he busied himself with his trains. His focus was intense, a look of concentration etched across his face as he carefully adjusted tracks and meticulously aligned the miniature engines. Every so often, a small smile would break through his concentration, a clear sign of his enjoyment. Vaggie couldn't help but smile too, appreciating the simple joy Y/N found in his hobby.

Vaggie watched as Y/N hummed to himself, narrating little scenarios for his trains. "Now, Percy, you need to be careful on this turn," he'd say in a gentle, advising tone, or, "Gordon, you're the fastest today," and even "James, your looking splendid today!" His eyes sparkled with delight as each engine chugged along the tracks he had laid out.

She couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, finding his deep engagement utterly adorable.

Vaggie: I swear, you and your trains.

She murmured mostly to herself but loud enough for Y/N to catch. He looked up, a bit sheepish but smiling broadly, and Vaggie's heart warmed at the sight.

Vaggie: It's just really cute, you know?

She was making no effort to hide her fondness.

Y/N smiled and went back to his trains.

Vaggie's voice filled the room softly, the melody floating gently as she sang:

"For a moment,
Life doesn't seem quite so bad.
For a moment,
I kind of forgot to be sad."

She paced slowly around the room, her steps light, almost tiptoeing. Her hands gestured gracefully, as if painting the words in the air.

"He turns night to day,
But don't get carried away.
Never let down your guard,
Let them into your heart for a moment."

She paused by the window, looking out thoughtfully before turning back to Y/N, who was still focused on his trains, unaware of the deeper layers of her song.

"Not for a moment."

Y/N's voice, filled with a lighthearted energy, chimed in, contrasting with Vaggie's previous tender melody. He sang playfully, his hands continuing to adjust and play with the trains as he went:

"Noodle, noodle, apple strudel,
Some people don't and some people doodle.
Snakes, flamingos, bears, and poodles,
Singing this song will improve your moodle."

He glanced up at Vaggie, his eyes sparkling with mischief and delight, then continued, his voice rising in enthusiasm.

"Noodle-dee-dee, noodle-dee-dum,
We're having oodles and oodles of fun."

Y/N got up and walked to her. Vaggie couldn't help but laugh softly, her heart lightened by Y/N's whimsical tune. His sheer joy and the silly, catchy lyrics brought a smile to her face.

Y/N and Vaggie moved together in rhythm, their voices mingling in a playful duet. Vaggie's soft melody intertwined with Y/N's cheerful nonsense, creating a dance of lyrics that filled the room with energy and warmth. They swayed and stepped around the train set, their movements spontaneous yet harmoniously synced.

Vaggie sang warmly, her eyes meeting Y/N's with affection:

"For a moment (noodle, noodle, apple strudel),
My life has turned upside-down (some people don't and some people doodle).
For a moment (snakes, flamingos, bears, and poodles),
I can't keep my feet on the ground (singing this song will improve your moodle)."

Their voices rose together, Y/N's enthusiastic and Vaggie's melodious, blending perfectly:

"He's one of the best things (noodle-dee-dee, noodle-dee-dum),
That's ever happened to me (we're having oodles and oodles of fun)."

Vaggie's voice softened as she concluded the song, her words carrying a sense of peace and contentment:

"For a moment,
Life doesn't seem quite so bad.
And for a moment,
I kind of forgot to be sad."

Y/N's lips brushed against Vaggie's cheek, a nervous gesture tinged with uncertainty. Vaggie's laughter filled the air, playful and light, as she smiled.

Vaggie: You missed.

But before Y/N could react, she leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips, and he kissed back.

List of Y/N's trains that survived the Angel battle

What songs and scenarios should I use for Cherri and Velvette?

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