For Forever

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Y/N's room is a cozy and personalized space within the hotel, filled with memorabilia, posters, and his favorite items. The centerpiece of the room is an elaborate train set that stretches across a table, complete with tiny towns, tunnels, and landscapes. Y/N, engrossed in his play, is guiding the small train along the tracks with a look of focused joy.

As the train chugs along, he narrates the journey under his breath, creating stories for the little passengers. The rhythmic clacking of the train on the tracks fills the room, a soothing backdrop to his creative play.

Y/N: (murmuring) And now, Edward approaches the final station... The passengers are excited to see the Island of Sodor...

Just then, the door creaks open, and Vaggie steps into the room. She's holding a colorful package, her eyes softening at the sight of Y/N enjoying himself. The package is from the Marvel Comics of the Month Club, a subscription Y/N had eagerly signed up for.

Vaggie: Hey there, Y/N. Got something special for you.

Y/N looks up from his train set, eyes lighting up with curiosity and excitement as he sees the package. He quickly stands up and hurries over to Vaggie.

Y/N: Is it from the Marvel Comics club? What did they send this time?

Vaggie hands him the package, which is adorned with the Marvel logo and vibrant superhero artwork. She watches with amusement as he tears open the packaging with eager hand. She had to help him open it since he was missing his arm.

Inside, Y/N finds a Blue Marvel comic book, an action figure of the superhero, and a limited edition Blue Marvel keychain. His eyes widen with delight as he examines each item.

Y/N: (grinning) Wow, Blue Marvel! He's one of my favorites! Look at the detail on this figure, and the comic looks awesome!

He carefully sets the comic book aside, admiring the glossy cover featuring Blue Marvel in action. He then takes the action figure out of its packaging. The keychain is a nice bonus.

Vaggie walks over to him, and as Y/N turns to look at her, she leans down and places a soft kiss on his cheek.

Vaggie: (softly) Dinner will be ready soon. Charlie and I have something important to tell you afterward. But don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Y/N blinks in surprise, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks from the unexpected kiss. Her reassuring tone calms any potential worries, but curiosity flickers in his eye.

Y/N: (curious) Okay... Is it something good?

Vaggie nods, smiling warmly.

Vaggie: Yes, it's something good. We'll talk about it after dinner, okay?

Y/N nods, his curiosity piqued but comforted by Vaggie's gentle reassurance. He gives her a small, appreciative smile.

Y/N: Alright. Thanks, Vaggie.

Vaggie ruffles his hair affectionately before heading towards the door.

Y/N carefully takes the Blue Marvel action figure and sets it up with the others on his shelf. He has a growing collection. He had Deadpool, Wolverine, Gambit, X-23, and Electra.

He took the key chain to a special spot where he keeps his limited edition items. These are treasures he's received through the club, each one unique and holding a special place in his heart.

As he organizes his collection, Y/N notices a small picture frame on his desk. Picking it up, he sees a photograph of himself and Emily from when he was alive. In the photo, they're both smiling brightly, clearly enjoying a happy moment together. The picture brings a wave of nostalgia and warmth, reminding him of the bond they shared and the love that still endures.

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