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Richard's POV

My arms tremble, shaking with the willpower not to break down. I sniffle hoping it will at least grant me the strength to get the hell out of here.

Forcing my head up, I use the seatbelt and ignite the car engine into action. I noticed my hands are still trembling.

For a second, I consider calling a cab to come pick me up instead of driving so I won't end up driving into a pole as a result of this shock but I can't wait here.
I drive out immediately.

The more seconds I spend here the more risk. I might end up doing something rash like storming back into that apartment and breaking Jake's jaws.

Not only that.

The things I want to do to Eve includes slapping her face severally till she begs me for forgiveness.

The thought of her cheating all along causes me nothing but aches. To think I thought she was worth it all. She isn't.

This means she had been sleeping with that traitor all along. No wonder he came back from God knows where just a few days ago. Who knows if they were in London together all along while I was here maltreating Arabel, and even asking her for a divorce just because of someone who wasn't worth it?

I don't know if I am hurt from what I just saw or from what I said to Arabel an hour ago about getting divorced.

I saw the hurt flash across her expression but I chosed to ignore it because I wanted to be selfish for once in my life.

All my life, I have done things for people's happiness. I studied business because that was what my father wanted me to study so I could take over the family business.

I went to England to study because that was my mother's choice.

After graduation, I was forced to go back for my Masters simply because I couldn't take over with just a BA degree.

When Father died, Mother became the one to decide every single thing in my life. Then she brought up Arabella and her choice for her to be my wife.

I was in a relationship with Eve so I kicked against it. She burst into tears, talking about how lonely she had been since Father died and how sweet of a woman Arabel was, which made me feel guilty.

To me, it felt like she wanted Arabel for me so she could be her companion. I had seen Arabel on one or two occasions in our family home in Boston.

I didn't know how I managed to give in to her demands but I know I did and regretted it for a long time because of Eve.

I didn't know how to explain myself to her. I didn't want to hurt her. I didn't want to tell her we were done.

So I explained everything to her. I told her it was just for a while. I told her Arabel would be gone in a year. But she chose to leave. She decided to go to London to further her studies.

A year turned into two and then three. And now she was back.

Then I felt it was time to let Arabel go.
The car jerk forward suddenly, forcing me to pull the car to a stop, my head resting on the wheels.


What will I do now? What should I tell my mother? What do I tell Arabel?
Tears are threatening to spill but I force them back. I won't let her make me cry. She isn't worth it at all.

She is nothing but a cheat and a bitch.
My heart is in turmoil, yet, I sit upright and start the car again, this time slowly till I get home, thinking of what excuse they would both give for their actions.

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