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Richard’s POV


lad is an understatement for how I feel. But it is ruined by the heavy downpour, which starts as soon as I step out of the garage where I went to get the files I forgot behind.

I race back up, concerned about getting wet by the rain.

When I get to the elevator, I smile to myself at this golden opportunity. Everything is working to my advantage, and for the first time in years, I believe in fate.

This is an opportunity to make things right, and I am not willing to mess it up.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine being neighbors with my ex-wife.

The apartment has been empty for too long. I never saw the need to give it out until my mother mentioned it three months ago.

I told my agent, and he promised to let me know when someone wants it.

I have been staying here alone for four years. The silence and peace it brings didn't want me to give out the second apartment at first.

But I was healing.

Now, I guess the reason for my healing is because of this.

It is time to get her back. It's time to get my life back in shape. It is time to heal completely and seek forgiveness for my misdeeds.

And time to get my woman back.

The elevator opens, and I stroll out to greet the new neighbor with a smile on my face when I see the door slightly open.

“Mrs. Bella?” I call out, forcing back the intent to call her Arabel again. She told me not to call her that again, and I am trying not to.

There is no reply.

Instead, the sound of a ringing phone breaks the silence, making me peep into the room.

The furniture and all the boxes are still on the floor. Everything is unpacked. Perhaps, she went back downstairs to get Daisy, I figured.

The phone rings again, breaking into the dead of the night as it rumbles outside. I stand by the door, waiting for them to appear, so I can welcome them both with open arms when my phone rings.

It is Mother.

I am sure she is calling again to confirm if I wasn't outside, getting drenched in the rain. I don't pick.

Mother worries too much.

A minute passes, and before I know it, twenty minutes is gone without the sight of Arabel or Daisy.

I raise a furrowed brow as my curiosity begins to lead me out of the elevator, less concerned about the rain.

Are they stuck outside because of the rain? Did something happen?

I step out as a droplet of rain skates my body, making a shiver run down my spine. Despite that, I don't stop walking.

I remember there was a car parked right outside the gate earlier, but now it is no longer there.

Where did she go to? How could she leave with her door slightly open and her things there? Isn't she done parking? Did something urgent came up?

The rain becomes heavy as it drenches my entire body, making me glance around one more time before making my way back upstairs, wanting desperately to get to my room and call her when it suddenly hits me that her phone is in the apartment.


I don't have that jerk’s number. Perhaps he brought her here himself.

I shouldn't be worried if that is it. They will be back soon. Apparently, she will have to spend the night here.

My phone rings again, and I fish it out to see if it is my mother. I pick up instantly.


“I'm going to bed," she informs me. I know this isn't her intention for calling. “It's raining already.”

“I know, mom. Goodnight!”

I am tempted to tell her the good news, but I know if I do, she might get into the car and rush down here to see things for herself.

Besides, I am having a silly thought that Arabel might change her mind about staying here considering how she ran into me without knowing I stay here.

It's not yet time to tell Mom. I will know when it is right.

She disconnects the call just in time for a sneeze to leave my mouth, making me realize I am still in my drenched clothes.

Standing upright, I stroll towards the bedroom to get a towel and take a quick shower when another sneeze hits me hard, making me sniff.

God! I'm catching a cold.

That was what her mother was calling for. To be sure I was fine.

It's been a while since I felt this way. I shouldn't have gone out in the rain.

My step flatters, and a cold shiver runs through me with goosebumps peppering my skin. I sneeze out again, this time more loudly and with a huge impact.

My eyes water.

My nose is itching from repeated sneezing and sniffing.

Unlike my earlier intention to get changed, I stay still. The weather is still cold, so taking a bath won't help. I just need to get out of these clothes and find some hot coffee to cool down.

Forcing my way backwards, I am thinking of grabbing my phone to call mom, knowing how serious the situation can be, but the light goes off as a thunderbolt strikes the silent night, leaving the whole place in darkness.

I curse beneath my breath.

I continue moving to the sofa where my phone is, confident that I can get it even with the lights gone. I'm sure the light will be back soon. I just need to get my phone, call mom, and call the maintenance office to get to work.

Something hard hits my leg, making me fall face down.


What the hell is happening!

The goosebumps are still on my skin, my nose is still itching, and I am beginning to tremble. I know what this can result in, so I try to drag myself back up and reach for my phone.

My hand touches the sofa, but I can’t reach the phone. I don't even know if it is there or somewhere else.

I groan, dragging myself forward to touch every part of the sofa. A sneeze leaves my nostril once more, my jaw hitting the hard floor.

More determined than ever, I rise up only to hit something with my leg. Then I realize it is my phone.

Instantly, the light comes back up, and I sigh in total relief. The phone is right behind me, but I realize I can't raise myself up like I did a minute ago.

My body is becoming rigid.

Quickly, I take a hold of the phone, dialing my mother’s number, which rings for a while before going to voicemail.

Shit! I curse inwardly.

Mother is already asleep.

I try her number again and again, but it is still the same thing. When my eyes begin to drift off, I decide to call the one person I know will pick up my calls no matter what time I am calling or for what reason.

Ashley Romano.

My loyal secretary.

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