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Arabel's POV

Alex's jaws clench, and his nostrils flare up in anger. Pretending not to notice, I grab Daisy's hand roughly before rushing back into the house.

Richard is becoming a pest. Should I be regretting this partnership before its inception?

I know he just did me a favor by bringing me my medications, but I know he used that to his advantage too.

I already told him I am not Arabel. Why can't he just leave me the hell alone? Why does the past have to come haunting me now when the wound is almost healed?

Time was what I gave. For me to heal completely. I did everything I could to ensure it happened. It is happening already, but he turned out to be my worst nightmare when I saw him at the anniversary as my partner.

I wanted to flee. I wanted to scream. I wanted to hit him in the face and run off.

But it was my dream.

Having this feat is the only thing I have been on my list to achieve to take me to greater heights. Richard's company is one big industry, and having to be partners would bring in more opportunities for me and my new branch in New York.

Because I didn't want him close by, I had to halt the idea of the new branch. For now, I will let things be. I don't mind going to New York every single week and coming back home to London. But my initial idea to be fully back in New York has been scrapped because of him.

"Bella," Alex calls from behind as soon as we are indoors. I close my ears, knowing full well that he is upset and that he is about to talk to me about my ex-husband's presence here in the house.

I whirl around to face him squarely, letting go of Daisy's hand.

“What was he doing here?” He demands with authority, making me raise a brow.

“What do you mean by what he was doing here? I thought I explained myself a few minutes ago that he came to drop off the medications we forgot at the hospital?” My tone is harsh, but I don't care.

I am mad at everyone.

Mad at Daisy for going out without letting me know, giving Richard the opportunity he was looking for to talk to me outside office hours.

Mad at Richard for thinking he can get to me through my daughter.

Mad at Alex for wanting to pry.

I didn't tell him about Richard because I wanted him to pry. I only did it because he insisted and I needed someone to talk to. He was there at the right time. He was a friend, and I trusted him.

Alex's expression slowly changes into that of shock.

“Your ex-husband is not only your boss, Bella, but also coming here to drop off your medicines? How does that even sound to you?”

“What do you mean?” My brows furrow in total confusion. Mixed with pure rage at what he is insinuating.

“Isn't it obvious?” He spread his arms out wide in demonstration. “Perhaps there is something going on between you two, and you don't want me to know…”

“Alex!” I snap, my hands clenching into a fist. If I were close to him and not a few distance away, I would have slapped him. I am boiling. My insides are in disarray. My heart is irking at the reminder.

Staring back up at him, I warn. “Don't you dare!”

Instantly, I turn back and rush towards my room. On my way, I see Daisy already scooping the ice cream into her mouth, and it makes me feel worse.

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