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Richard’s POV

I keep glancing at my phone, thinking she will call again, but the strange number from earlier does not pop up, even when the phone finally rings again.

It is, mom. Not Eve.

“Mom,” I pick up as I step down from the cab I ordered to pick me up from home since I left my car at my mother's.

“Where are you?” She asks, her tone laced with concern, "I can't find Arabel either."

"I took her home. She was feeling a bit down. I'm coming in now,” I say to her before disconnecting the call.

As soon as I enter, Caroline attacks me again. “Richard, are you sure that woman isn't your ex?”

“I told you no already!” I halt, turning to face her squarely in anger.

She falls silent, biting her lower lips and watching me suspiciously. “If she isn't, then why are you mad?”

I sigh.

Without a word, I walk away, leaving her by the door. Caroline and I are always not on good terms. It sprung up from the fact that she was quite close to Arabel, and I didn't like their relationship.

First, I felt she was going to be a bad influence on Arabel. Caroline is a partygoer and a divorcee. She has experienced two marriages and two divorces.

Secondly, she was Arabel's complete opposite. I see no good in their friendship.

Thirdly, I didn't like anyone who liked Arabel. Except mother.

A fist wraps around my heart for the last reason. It is in moments like this, when I remember how badly I treated her, that I have lots of doubts about her ever forgiving me.

I don't even know if I can find a place in my heart to forgive if a woman did all those things to me.

I regret it all.

A growl leaves my mouth as I feel a pang of headache hitting me instantly. The party would soon be over, but I don't think I can wait any further. I need to go home to rest.

I find Mom among her cliques of friends. Signalling to her, she excuses herself and moves close to me.

“I think I have to go,” I tell her, and she furrows her brows.

“What happened?”

“Nothing. I just need to rest. I have some work to do before going to bed, and I really need to be awake as early as possible tomorrow…”

“That is not enough reason, Richard. Tell me what happened. Did you two mistakenly kiss?”

“What?!” A loud gasp leaves my mouth, along with a chuckle of disbelief. “How could you think of such? No!”

“Then what happened?” She demands impatiently, her face devoid of any humour.

I hesitant for a while before responding. “I have a slight headache. I just need to go home.”

I can't tell her the real reason why I feel this way. If I tell her about Eve, it'll ruin her night.

“When do you intend to apologize to her?” She holds my hand, her eyes filled with unshed tears. It must have been hard to pretend, too.

“Not now, mom. She isn't admitting anything yet. I'm just waiting for the right time…”

“What if she has no intention of ever admitting she is Arabel? What will you do if she doesn't speak up and come out clean about her real identity? Are you going to just watch and let her slip through your hands again? This is an opportunity for you to make things right. What exactly is your problem? Why can't you confront her about it?”

“She is denying it, mom,” I grit my teeth silently, not to arouse attention and suspicions. “She keeps denying it every single time I call her name. Obviously, she doesn't want to have anything to do with me, and I don't know…”

"Do you just want to keep watching?" Without doing anything?”

“Remember you told me to take my time?”
“I know but I don't want her to go away like she once did. You should talk to her.”
I let out a deep sigh.

“Delay is dangerous, Richard. Don't make the same mistake again. If she leaves, I don't think you can ever make amends for your mistake again. Our mistake.”

A reminder.

Which comes every once in a year. This is it.

She promised not to scold me again about the issue, but to always remind me about seeking forgiveness.

After four years of searching, she has finally given up on finding Arabel's forgiveness. She felt responsible for everything. She blamed herself, just like how she blamed me.

She blamed herself for forcing Arabel on me. She blamed herself for persuading me to marry her, when it was just her wish to have Arabel as a daughter.

But I don't blame her.

I was the stupid one. I didn't realize her worth until she left.

When the sight of a familiar figure catches my attention, I look up. I stare carefully to realize I am not hallucinating or daydreaming.

It is Eve, indeed.

“Mom,” I call. “I should go. Happy birthday once again. I love you.”

With a pout, she waves me away, but I pull her into a quick hug before heading outside to call Eve. I need to make sure it's her.

Just before I get to the garage, her call comes in again, making me stop in my tracks and stare at the number.

“Richard, you were silent earlier, so I thought you were trying to remember which Eve was talking. Eve Rogers is here. I'm at your mother's birthday party. Can we meet? I can't find you anywhere.”

“What do you want?” Finally, I find my voice. I am still trying to get over the shock of hearing from her after four years without any apology.

“Let's meet, please. If you don't want to meet me, then I am afraid I would have to meet your mom and ask her about you. I don't mind introducing myself too.”

“Meet me at the garage,” I almost shout. I don't feel threatened, but I want to hear her out and send her out of this place.

Even though I forgave her, I don't intend to ever relate to either her or Jake again. Arabel was the only reason why I decided to forgive her, even though she never bothered to reach out to me for forgiveness.

Her actions opened my eyes to reality.

I disconnect the call and wait with folded arms while my back is on the car. I don't know why I am fuming in anger, but I am sure it is because I didn't expect this.

Is she here to ask me for forgiveness after four years of silence?

“Richard,” her petite frame shows up as she steps down carefully. Her face is still the same, but I don't fall for her smile. “How are you?”

“What do you want? Where are you here?” I bark at her.

She frowns at me for a while before speaking up. “I'm so sorry, Richard. I came into town two weeks ago, and I heard about the party from a friend, which is why I am here. How have you been?” She tries to touch me, but I am quick to hit her hand away.

Again, I ask. “What do you want?”

She remains silent. Watching me with anger.

After a while, when I am thinking she isn't ready to talk, she mutters. “I'm sorry about what happened with Jake. I couldn't reach out to you ever since due to a lot of reasons. You know it wasn't my fault. You...”

“Why are you here? You two are already married, so what do you want?” Against my will, my voice is harsh and authoritative.

She seems surprised to know that I am aware of her marriage to Jake.

“Jake? Well, Jake and I are divorced. It wasn't meant to last forever. We just decided to…”

She is annoying the shit out of me. Before she can finish her sentence, I step away and try to make my way to the car when she holds me back.

“Richard, wait. Please hear me out. I am sorry about what happened. Can you please forgive me?” With sadness lurking behind her eyes, she pleads. It makes me wonder what happened and why their marriage didn't last.

“You are forgiven. Can I go now?” She is irritating me. I don't need to tell her I forgave her a long time ago.

“No. Can I get a ride? It seems the party is over already.” She requests of me.

I don't think twice before blurting it out. “No!”

I quickly open the door and enter, activating the car engine. Ignoring her plea for me to wait, I reverse out of the garage, intending to leave immediately when I see a figure running past my car and standing right in front of it to stop me from leaving.

She is going to create a scene. I curse underneath my breath as I step on the brake hurriedly.

“Hear me out, or you are going nowhere,” she threatens with a serious look on her face.

She looks like she means it. I wouldn't care if this were happening elsewhere instead of at my parents' residence, where my mother is having her birthday party.

I step out obediently and walk to the bonnet, hoping this won't take long and that whatever she has to say will be worth it.

“What is it, Eve?” I question when she isn't making an effort to say anything.

A smile spread across her face, and she mutters. “I miss the way you used to call me that.”


“What the hell are you keeping me here for? You better talk before I call the guards on you!” My threats get to her, and she becomes serious once more, giving me a tiny bit of hope that she will say something worthwhile and let me leave.

Surprisingly, I am not curious at all to know what she has to say; I just want her to voice out whatever it is and get the hell out of my sight.

“I love you, Richard. I still love you.”

My jaws drop in total disbelief before laughter burst out of my chest.

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