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Arabel's POV

A loud chuckle and snarl escape my lips against my will.

With a small smile on my face, I fold my arms, ignoring the sudden pounding of my heart and the wave of adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream.

“I think you got the wrong person, Richard. I told you I was not her, didn't I?”

“Stop with the denial, Arabel,” he shouts in frustration and desperation. “Stop with the pretence already.”

“I really don't know what else you want me to say. If there is anything I hate most, then it is being mistaken for someone else. I told you from the start that I was not her. Just because you want something with me and I said a big no doesn't mean you should insist I am that woman.”

I want to say more.

I want to scream at him, letting him know that I am not the foolish woman he married. She was a pathetic woman who loved him unconditionally, even though she knew the feelings weren't mutual.

That stupid girl who was willing to show him love till he finally gave in and fall head over heels for her too. Instead of that, she was face slapped with a divorce paper.

She was an option. Always an option.

“Arabel, please,” he says, dropping to his knees. “Don't make this any harder. I'm sorry I…I'm sorry. Please admit that you are her. If you don't, how do we get past all this? How can I even ask for your forgiveness for my misdeeds? Do you know how long I have been searching for you? Do you have any idea how miserable I have been? Do you know how bad it was surviving your absence in my life and that of my mother's? I'm sure you had no idea how much we suffered….”

I want to tell him to go to hell.

I don't care.

This is what I keep telling myself, but deep down, my heart is bleeding. The sound of how my mother went through a lot isn't doing anything to alleviate my guilt.

I can't do this. I am Bella. I am no longer stupid, Arabel Cooper.

“I know I have wronged you. I know I messed up big time. I didn't value your presence until you left. When you did, you left a big hole in my heart and my life, and only you can fill it back. Please tell me you are her. Tell me you are Arabel. I can't even apologize properly if you can't admit it. Dammit!” A low curse erupts from his lips. His eyes are red, both in anger and regret.

It makes me wonder if he is mad at himself or me.

“Mr. Giodano…”

“Mommy?” Daisy calls from behind, shocking me. I totally forgot she was right behind me.

The moment he spilled the beans about knowing I am Arabel Cooper, I lost all sense of duty. Instead of dragging Daisy back in, closing the door, and facing him squarely, I keep denying and forgetting my child.

“Mommy, is he Daddy?” She points towards Richard, who is still on his knees.

Richard nods immediately, and I squat down to her height with urgency. With my two hands on her shoulder, “No, Darling. Mr. Richard is not your daddy. I told you daddy has gone to heaven, didn't I?”

“What?!” Richard exclaims loudly. “Arabel?” He shoots up to his feet, and I turn to him, a fresh stab of anger shimmering within.

"I would appreciate it if you could excuse me before I call security on you. You just interrupted and distracted me…”

“How could you?!” He shouts, a tear rolling down his eyes, making regret form a jagged lump in my throat. “Daddy is in heaven? Does that mean you presented me to her as dead?”

“Like I said, my child is not yours, and I am not your ex-wife. This must be a misunderstanding…”

“No, Arabel!” He slams his balled fist on the door, making me jerk back in fright. His eyes are red, making him scary. “You are her, stop denying it for God's sake. You are driving me crazy! I've got evidence, Arabel. I have evidence!”

For a moment, I'm tempted to inquire about the evidence. But I remain tight-lipped. I want to retain my dignity.

“Arabella, please. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Don't do this.”

A door opens, and a woman steps into the doorway, glancing from me to Richard. Clad in nothing but a towel, I bite my lower lip.

“Can you two please reduce your voice? You just interrupted a moment of bliss!”

With that, she stalks back inside, and I decide this is it. I am done.

“I don't care whether you believe me or not, but I am not doing this with you. Bye,” I grab the door and want to slam it in his face when he rises up suddenly and sticks his leg in with his hand, restricting the shutting. “Richard, let go of the door.”

“I will,” he mutters softly, his eyes boring into mine with intensity. "But I won't stop chasing you around until you confess that you are her. I won't stop doing this until you forgive me. And I won't leave this place until you find a place in your heart to forgive me for everything. No matter where you go, I will find you this time, Arabel. No matter how many times you change your name or identity, I will find you! No matter how much you deny it, I won’t let you be. I have suffered enough for my mistake, and I won't rest until I get your forgiveness.”

His gaze settles on Daisy, who has a frightened look on her face. Then he mumbles, still looking at her. “I love you.”

With my heart thumping wild and in wonder of who he just said that to, he turns back on his heel, moving towards the elevator with calculated steps before he is lost in view.

I shut the door, sink to the floor, and hold onto my hammering heart before letting out a scream.

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