Thirteen. Clingy

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*Lore Sokolov*

Her face, bright red, dazed.

"Gross?" Hale asked.

She shook her head no.

"Good." He nodded.

I smiled.

My hands were around her waist, she turned her head away from us, lying her head down on my shoulder.

"You alright? Did I do too much?" I asked, more sarcastic than anything to be honest.


I hummed, rubbing her back.

She's too fucking cute. She's everything.

She sat up, looking at Hale.

"What?" He whispered.

She shrugged, then looking at me.

She reached for his face, smushing his lips together and I smiled.

His hand grabbed her wrist, "what is this?"

"I'm wiping that stupid smirk off your stupid face." She let it go and I laughed.

"Stupid? I mean I get the smirk but my face?" He looked slightly offended.

"I kinda agree."

"You have the same fucking face." He glared at me.

I shrugged.

His hand shot out, grabbing her throat, making her yelp as his lips crashed onto hers.

Her nails dug into my shoulders, one hand letting me go as she held onto him, her ass lifted off my lap.

I sighed, pulling up her tank top just enough to feel her hot skin, feeling it warm my hands.

So soft.

He let her go.

She was so easily flustered.

"How's my face now?" He asked.

"Not as stupid." She smiled, shy as she licked over her own lips.

He hummed and sat back.

I turned, he was blushing and I snorted.

It made sense but it was funny.

She took a deep breath, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her as her back arched into me.

I inhaled, my face at her chest.

She smelt lightly like fruit and vanilla.

It was hard to pin though.

I could tell she was shy, but definitely more comfortable.

I lifted my head, kissing her throat as she squeezed me tighter and I pinched her side.

"Ow!" She let me go a bit.

"I can't breathe, Nora." I said and she let me go.

"We should get you home, it's getting late." I told her.

"You act like we aren't adults." She chuckled, her hands on my biceps moving to the backs of my arms as she moved her fingers under my sleeves.

"Well we are adults with jobs, love." Hale chuckled.

"Yeah yeah." She mumbled.

She gently pecked my lips.

I watched as she had an internal battle with herself, although I didn't know what it was for.

"What?" Hale asked for me as his hand gently came to her arm closest to him.

Her hand slid into his so naturally as her other hand began moving up and down my arm.

"Will tomorrow be weird?" She asked.

"It'll be whatever you want it to be." I answered and the hand on my arm came up, cupping the side of my face.

"Okay." She looked at me, then to Hale.

Clingy girl.

I loved it.

She gently raised herself off me, moving to get in her seat. I held one arm, Hale with her other as she gently got herself back in her own seat.

I pulled my seat up, turning on the car.

"Cold?" I asked.

"I'm alright." She said.

Before we even left the lot her arms were woven around mine, her head on my shoulder, her body slumped.

Hale pet her hair.

"It's okay. Nothing is going to change." He reassured.


"We swear." We spoke at the same time and she hummed, holding me a bit tighter.

The drive home was basically silent.

I parked in her driveway.

"Thank you." She said, kissing my cheek, kissing Hale's.

"Sleep good. See you tomorrow."

"When do I come in?"

"We're opening a bit earlier than usual so how does 11 sound? I'll already be there obviously for the appointment I have but for general opening?" Hale offered.

"That's fine. Goodnight." She turned and Hale had her door already open.

"Thank you." She took his hand, standing.

He kissed her forehead.

Then he got in the car.

We waited until her room light was on above us.

Then we left.

"Clingy girl." He chuckled.

I smiled.

"I know you've never liked the clingy types, how is it?" I asked.

"I like it." He sighed.

"I told you."

He rolled his eyes.

I laughed knowing damn well I was always right.

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