Fifteen. Weird

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*Eleanora Elliot*

Today was busy. A lot of walk ins. A lot of appointments. A lot of phone calls for them both.

So around noon was the last I really spoke to either of them.

It was now around 9 when shit actually calmed down.

I finished the papers and putting the people who booked certain things on certain dates in their calendar schedules.

I sat, scrolling on my phone for a while.

"Da." I heard Lore say.

He was speaking to someone and I was unsure who as I also couldn't understand the conversation.

"Hale!" He yelled in a harsh accent and Hale came out of his room, not bothering to spare me a glance as he quickly walked to Lore's room.

Although it seemed to be a private conversation, I couldn't technically eavesdrop.

It was so interesting how angry they sounded speaking their language. Such different dialect and since their voices were naturally deep, it was just... scarier in a way how they spoke.

Their voices dropped a few tones, Lore's lisp gone, the sound rough and vulgar. It was hot I won't lie.

I caught myself thinking of how they'd speak in their common language when we were in Russia. I wondered if I'd feel left out, or if I'd be just fine.

Maybe pick up on a word or two.

I'd try.

I could tell when they were done.

They walked out and stared at me.

They began speaking to each other and I was so lost.

Lore came to me, grabbing my hands as he kept speaking, lifting me off the chair.

"I don't like not understanding you when it's just us." I said and he ignored me, pulling me against him, his hands on the arch of my back.

Lore was answering whatever he said.

One of his hands lowered, gripping the skin of my ass which honestly wasn't a ton and I made a weird sound as he did so.

Hands on my arms now too, Hale behind me.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

They kept mumbling things, back and fourth.

"I'll leave." I threatened and immediately my hair was fisted as it was yanked back.

"Try." Hale sneered.

Oh shit.

I held my breath, the pulse between my thighs swelling as hands were gripping me and touching me.

Lore kissed my jaw.

I heard what I could tell were "yes" or "no"'s.

But I didn't have anything more.

"Can I please know what is going on?" I asked.

"Our father called. We have... intense business with our father out there. He found out we had you as more than what he expected and wants you to get involved but... not do anything. Just know about what we do and join us for some of those meetings." Lore sighed.

"The meetings I won't understand?"

"Yes. He thinks a good wife should know where her husbands's black cards come from." Hale chuckled.

"Is it bad?"

"Mmmm could be." Hale hummed, hand still in my hair.

"Are you a tattletale, sweetheart?" Lore smiled.


"Then there you go."

"Wife?" I asked, just processing that.

"Yes. He is all about marriage and weddings and family and shit." Lore said.


"It's okay. It's just his little mind. Nothing will be rushed, everything will come as it may."

I nodded.

And they resumed their conversation, hands on me, lips, and I didn't care I couldn't understand as I just drowned in it.


I groaned, rolling over.

My phone was vibrating my bed.

I didn't have any alarms set that I knew of.

I turned my phone upward.

"Hm?" I asked when I answered.

"Good morning baby."

I was tired.



He laughed. "It's the afternoon."


"Call me back when you're awake alright baby?"


He hung up and I easily was back asleep.


I sighed, sitting up.

I was so fucking tired.

I looked at the time and it was somehow 4pm.

I frowned, grabbing my phone and calling whoever called me when I was asleep.

It was Lore.

I called.

"Awake?" It only rang once.


"We were gonna ask if you wanted to come with us tonight. We have some... business to do at a casino. It is also a strip club." He said.

"I don't have any nice clothes-"

"Don't worry about that. Do you wanna come with us?"


"Alright Hale is at your door then."


"See you soon."

I got out of bed and walked downstairs.

My house was fucking empty.

I opened the door.

Hale smirked at me with a bag in his hand.

"What's the saying... Goodmorning sunshine." He said.

"How long have you-"

"Not your business. May I come in?"

I moved.

His hand grabbed mine as we walked up to my room.

"I have to be decent." I said and he sat on my bed, waiting.

I used the restroom and brushed my teeth, washing my face.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Do you not want me to be here?"

"No! No, I'm just... today's weird."

He laughed.

Then he softly patted his lap.


"Come sit."

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