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y/n couldn't believe that rihito just left her here, stranded, and on her own

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y/n couldn't believe that rihito just left her here, stranded, and on her own. she couldn't help but frown as she stood there, chewing on the bottom of her lip. as much as she wanted to throw a tantrum about the sorry state of affairs that she's found herself in, she was worried that the goblin king might be spying on her. she should always assume that he is and, well, if that truly is the case, she'd hate to embarrass herself in front of the man who is supposed to be her soon-to-be husband, even if she does loathe him.

peering down, y/n glanced down at the echostone in her palm and sighed. she might as well save this thing for later. after all, she's not in the best of moods now and she doesn't want that to affect diminish the stone's usage and try to find rihito's labyrinth. with that, she opened one of her pant's pockets, dropped it inside, and set off to find the entrance of the labyrinth.

as she descended from the small mountain where she and the goblin king were previously talking, y/n was surprised to find that she found what she was looking for at the bottom of it—the entrance to the labyrinth. "well...that was easy," y/n muttered to herself, a faint glimmer of satisfaction coloring her tone. but just as she reached out to creak open one of the labyrinth's doors, something caught her eye. with furrowed brows, she turned her attention to the array of posters— no, propaganda— plastered on one of the walls of the maze.

"what the...?" y/n blinked in confusion, her footsteps faltering as she stepped away from the entrance and toward the array of papers. the posters were filled with bold, colorful images and slogans, each one more jarring than the last. 'rrr: reject rihito's rule! we refuse to be slaves to his whims any longer. join the duskshades and fight for a better tomorrow,' one read.

'down the goblin king!'

'destroy the mad brute upon the throne, he is our world's greatest enemy.'

she found these flyers incredibly odd since those creatures rihito warned her about earlier— duskshades— put these things here and yet, he keeps them? for what reason? did he find their silly attempts for his subjects to turn on him amusing? that must be a reason...after all, he is one smug bastard. y/n knows that much, other than he is willing to do anything to get his way of things. he's so childish. alas, the h/c-haired girl knew she couldn't waste her time chasing the goblin king.

just as y/n was going to turn away, she stopped once more when she stopped a few posters contradicting the ones that she had just seen.

'obey rihito, the benevolent king! his word is law, and his will is absolute.
resistance is futile.'

'join the ranks of the loyal! serve the goblin king and be rewarded with prosperity and protection. loyalty is rewarded, disobedience is punished.'

'trust in rihito's leadership to guide us to a brighter future."

'beware the duskshades! only rihito's rule can protect us from their darkness. stand with the goblin king and defend our kingdom.'

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