meanwhile, at the castle, rihito sat sprawled out on his throne, one leg tossed over the armrest, his fingers drumming rhythmically on the other

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meanwhile, at the castle, rihito sat sprawled out on his throne, one leg tossed over the armrest, his fingers drumming rhythmically on the other. the grand hall was silent, save for the occasional crackle of the torches lining the walls. his thoughts were consumed by y/n—her determination, her spirit, and the challenge she posed. she was different from the others, and he couldn't help but feel a strange mix of frustration and admiration.

but his reverie was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. rihito's eyes flickered to the doorway as his parents entered the room. his mother, sonoko immediately locked eyes with him. "rihito," she said, her voice carrying a note of exasperation, "please, sit properly." she begged.

he looked at her with furrowed brows, a hint of defiance in his expression. "but there is no one else here," he gestured around the empty hall, his voice carrying a hint of petulance.

"we are," his father retorted, his tone brooking no argument. rihito rolled his eyes, slowly shifting into a more dignified position, though the reluctance was clear in his movements. "keep in mind that you're king, but not officially," his father continued. "it only be recognized by marriage."

rihito groaned, slumping slightly back into the throne. "what's the point? everyone that i put in the labyrinth defeats it! need i remind you of sarah? she bested it in your labyrinth within an hour. what if y/n does the same?"

his mother walked over, her eyes softening as she reached out to rub soothing circles on his back. "then you'll go to the next person. there has to be someone out there who will love and appreciate you." she stated.

"but what if there isn't?" rihito's voice was filled with a rare vulnerability, his eyes dark with frustration and longing. "at this rate, i'll be old and decrepit before i ever step foot on an altar."

"oh, don't say that. you—" before the older woman could finish her sentence, she was swiftly interrupted by her son.

"i would like to be left alone," rihito suddenly said. "please," he added.

soon, rihito watched them leave the throne room, their footsteps echoing down the long hall until he was left alone with his thoughts once more. the silence of the grand hall seemed to amplify his anxiety, each second stretching out interminably. he couldn't help but wonder how y/n was faring in the labyrinth. would she be the one to finally reach him, to understand him? or would she, like the others, see him only as an obstacle to be overcome?

rihito leaned back on his throne, his leg slipping back over the armrest as he resumed his previous position. the hours ticked by slowly, each minute bringing y/n closer to her fate—and his. the labyrinth was a merciless test, filled with hidden traps and confusing pathways. he had designed it that way to ensure only the most determined and worthy could find their way to him. but with every passing moment, his doubt grew. should he go see her?

he missed her terribly.

the brief interactions they had shared were enough to ignite a longing within him that he couldn't easily quell. not being able to be with her in person drove him wild. what if she ran into duskshades? his kingdom's most relentless and vicious enemies were known to roam the labyrinth's outer edges, and they would not hesitate to attack an intruder.

they're a race of shadow-dwelling beings who seek to overtake the goblin kingdom in pursuit of a rare mineral known as lumicite, which is abundant in the kingdom's underground mines. lumicite possesses unparalleled magical properties, capable of amplifying their shadow-based abilities to unprecedented levels. believing it to be their birthright and essential for their survival, the duskshades aim to claim the kingdom as their own, seeing the goblins as obstacles in their quest for dominance over the realm's mystical resources. how pitiful.

no, she's strong. she can handle her own. but, then again, they're trained soldiers, and she's just a girl.

sighing, rihito stood up from his throne and readjusted his shirt, dusting off his pants. so be it, then. it looks like he'll have to pay her a little visit. he couldn't bear the thought of her facing such dangers alone. he descended the throne's steps with purposeful strides, his mind made up. the corridors of his castle stretched before him, winding and shadowed, but he moved through them with ease, knowing every twist and turn by heart.

as he walked, his thoughts drifted back to their last encounter. her defiance had intrigued him, her strength had impressed him, and her vulnerability had touched him. she was unlike anyone he had ever met, and the idea of losing her to the labyrinth's merciless maze was unbearable. the labyrinth was meant to be a test, but perhaps it was time for him to face a test of his own: the challenge of showing her his true self, beyond the king and the labyrinth. no, he couldn't. the idea made him sick to his stomach.

his pace quickened as he neared the entrance, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and fear. he summoned his power, feeling the familiar surge of energy as he prepared to transport himself into the labyrinth. the air around him shimmered, and with a final deep breath, he stepped through the veil of magic, vanishing from the castle and reappearing within the labyrinth's intricate corridors.

the atmosphere was different here, perhaps it was because his father had yet to implement more safety precautions, like putting a net over the top of the labyrinth. not only would it help keep any unwanted guests out, but it would also prevent contestants from trying to climb and hurdle over the walls to cheat. and cheaters never prosper, nor would rihito want to be married to someone who deliberately went out of their way to ensure that they wouldn't be wedded to him. it would break his heart knowing the very person he plighted his troth to would loathe his very existence.

regardless, rihito could feel y/n's presence somewhere ahead, a beacon of warmth and determination amidst the labyrinth's cold stone. he moved swiftly, the walls shifting and rearranging themselves to accommodate his passage, groaning as they yielded to his will. his heart pounded with urgency, his mind racing with thoughts of y/n's safety.

'where was she?' he thought, scanning the twisting corridors ahead.

just as he rounded a corner, his steps faltered. there, in the dim light of the labyrinth, he spotted a group of duskshades. his eyes widened in alarm, and he quickly pressed himself against the wall, hiding in the shadows just in time, his red hair falling in front of his face. only after he calmed himself down did he strain to listen to overhear their conversation. their voices low and hushed as they conversed amongst themselves. he moved closer in hopes of catching snippets of their chat, his heart sinking with every word.

"...the castle has to be somewhere ahead," one of them muttered, his voice a raspy whisper. rihito's hands clenched into fists, anger and fear mingling within him. he listened intently, every muscle in his body taut with tension. At this rate, the duskshades would be dangerously close to discovering y/n and where she was, and he knew he had to act swiftly to protect her.

"...spread out and search every passage," another commanded.

as the duskshades began to disperse, rihito held his breath, waiting until they were far enough away. he peered around the corner, watching their retreating forms until they disappeared into the labyrinth's depths. only then did he allow himself to relax, leaning heavily against the wall.

'jesus,' he thought, running a hand through his hair. that was too close.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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