21 4 7

warnings: none


Of course, the weekend eventually came to an end, and Yoon Seo had to go back to her work life.

Monday went surprisingly better than she imagined it in her head. Usually, she would be all grumpy and sulky about how the weekend ended too soon but once she falls into the headset of work, it goes smoothly.

Her café, Yoon's Latte, has gained a nice popularity in the town. Along with her daily customers, she even gets to see new faces often and she never felt more thankful to those people who suggested her café to the new people.

Working in a café once used to feel like a necessity for her, when she had to pay rent and fees for college. But soon she started enjoying it as it became a routine and she found comfort in that work. She liked herself enjoying the smallest of things.

Soon enough after she graduated, she decided to invest some money with a little help from Yoongi and opened her café, Yoon's Latte, and she never felt more satisfied. It was tough at first, as anyone barely even came to visit the new unknown café.

Yoongi and the six members sometimes even visited the café to accompany her aside their schedule and she was beyond thankful that they supported her when she felt at her lowest.

The time flew and people eventually came to notice it. But at some times, she felt lonely and she felt like she needed a company. So asking Taehyung, she soon got a co-worker.

Han Seo Jun was Taehyung's friend who was looking for a job to pay his bills too and fortunately, at the same time, Yoon Seo's offer also came and Taehyung was more than happy to help his noona and his friend.

It was awkward at first with Seo Jun but as they started sharing their interests and much more with each other, it all felt so easy. They clicked off together and became good friends, even opening up a lot with each other.

In that process, Yoon Seo accidentally blurted out about her crush on Yoongi, and to her surprise, Seo Jun had been a supportive brother to her since then. Leading her through her feelings and confusions and giving her advice.

Though the idea of distracting herself by dating another man suggested by him, didn't work, she was thankful to him regardless.

The two were having a break as the afternoon seemed awfully quiet and empty as there were no customers.

"What's up with Yoongi hyung?" The brunette-haired boy asked, making Yoon Seo look at him from behind the counter where she was wiping the dirty counter.

"It's still the same..." she trailed off, mentally sighing to herself. She knew Seo Jun expected something more whenever he asked her that question and just like every time, she had to answer the same thing again.

"Ugh, not the same shit again please." He rolled his eyes and sipped the shake in his hand.

Walking over from behind the counter with a shake in hand for herself, she went and sat in front of Seo Jun. "Stop expecting anything. You know he has a girlfriend."

Ah, here comes the bitter truth.

Seo Jun rolled his eyes at her reply which played like a broken recording every time. "So? What about you? Are you gonna live like that your whole life?"

She didn't reply. The fact was that she didn't have an answer to that. Yes, she loved Yoongi but is she going to continue her life like that? Loving the person she'll never have to herself?

Noticing her silence, he sighed. "You know you can't do this to yourself, right?"

"I know, I just..." She shook her head and looked down. She can't do this right now. Not when she's trying to push the harsh reality away.

She mentally thanked herself when the small bell on the door of the café rang and saw a young lady entering inside. Giving a tight-lipped smile to the boy in front of her, she stood up and went behind the counter, immediately putting a smile on her lips that didn't quite reach her eyes, and greeted the lady before asking for her order.

Seo Jun knew she was avoiding it all. But he knew that she also knows that one day she'd have to eventually put an end to this.

Even if that meant losing Yoongi in the process.


It was already 6:00 in the evening as the time passed by and it was the time they closed the café.

Flipping the sign of 'OPEN' to 'CLOSE', she turned around and eyed Seo Jun who was looking at her as if he wanted to say something.

"Is something wrong?"

"No... I guess I just wanted to say sorry for that today. I didn't want to ruin your mood you know."

He looked apologetic and she immediately felt guilty. "Wait, what? No, it's fine really. We've gone through that many times so it's alright. And I know that you're only looking out for me."

He smiled and she mirrored it. But the next words that slipped out of his mouth immediately made her want to smack him.

"Glad you finally understood, pig."

It was the name that he had given to her to annoy her and it never failed to do.

"Aish, just go home already." She muttered, ignoring Seo Jun who had a playful smile on his lips. She started walking towards the road that led to her house. It was just a 15-minute distance so she always went on foot.

She sped up her steps and she heard him yell, "Yah! Go home safe! Bye and goodnight!" She turned around and he was already walking away in the opposite direction to catch a taxi.

Soon enough she reached her house and after entering inside the small apartment, she didn't waste a single minute before walking towards the couch and flopping down on it.

The words from Seo Jun were still ringing in her head and she didn't know what to do with it. It was like a question that she was too afraid to ask to herself but he asked it to her anyway.

Was she going to live her whole life like this?

She knows she has to tell Yoongi. Not now but soon. But does she have the guts? Hell no.

She has been best friends with him for 5 freaking years and she didn't tell him then.

How could she tell him now?

What if she ended up never telling him and hurting herself badly in the process? No, she couldn't afford that. It already hurts so bad and she does not know if she can bear the pain anymore.

She's afraid. Afraid that after confessing, what if Yoongi gets disgusted and will never talk to her?

Getting to know that your best friend has a crush on you even when you're dating another person is just a... bizarre thought.

"Fuck," she sighed shakily before getting up from the couch and going straight to the bed, not caring to eat dinner as her hunger from before died down.

She will tell Yoongi. Not now. But soon.


Author's note: holy shit another shitty chapter 😭 bear with me guyss, further chaps are gonna get better and as I said before, the angst is coming soonnn

just a few chapters more and the things are gonna go downhill :/ Tbh they are gonna fun to write hehe

btw here comes another character in the story lol. I can't describe the love I have for Han Seo Jun and I knew I just had to add him in this lmao

Do drop your thoughts in the comments!!

-sending loveee <3

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