Chapter 2 - Gratitude

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"Be patient with her, love." Her voice echoed in my ears, like a gentle whisper from the past. My, did I miss that voice. 

I couldn't see clearly, but knew from the way she looked down at me that it was her. "How.. how long have you been here for?" I open my eyes, squinting from the bright rays of light that leaked through the rustling leaves above us. "My love, I've been here the whole time, silly!" She giggled in such a calm way. Almost in sync with the trees that swayed around us.

Was it really..her..?

I stared at her dark hair and how it fell into place with her face shape perfectly; her beautifully tanned skin that contrasted with those soft amber eyes like summer, and those light, plump lips that glowed a pretty pink, a colour that even cherry blossoms could never compare with. She looked at me like I was all that mattered to her, with my head laying on her well missed lap. I felt the tears sting my eyes immediately when she smiled. 

She was perfect.

"Why did you go? You left without a word. Why? Why?!" I screamed those words to her, but she just.. smiled. Without a care in the world, she just smiled with those pearly white teeth of hers, as if it didn't matter if she stayed or left. It hurt. But it hurt even more to watch her fade out of my sight. 

Slowly, with her smile still plastered on her face and her eyes still locked onto mine, the image of the beauty faded from my sight. I cried from the nightmare that had been an answer to my prayers just mere seconds ago. 

Oh, the things I'd do to see her face again...

"Dad.. you've gotta wake up now."


"Huh?" I awaken from the unforgettable feel of ice on my cheeks, grumpily sitting up. Ricochet was already dressed in her school uniform, wearing her hair in her usual clipped up ponytail, and standing in front of my bed with her fists on her hips. "Ya heard me! I made breakfast already! Now hurry up! I'm gonna be late for school!" She demanded before scanning the room and cleaning it up. "And don't just sit there either. Get up!" And before I knew it, I was taking the orders of my own child.

 After showering and putting a clean pair of trousers and an oversized shirt on, I take myself downstairs before slumping on a chair at the table. So I guess that was all a dream, huh? I slowly begin to process the dream I had before being woken up by Ricochet's sudden, but unsurprising action, of putting ice cubes on my face. The usual. 

"So... did you sleep well?"

I look up from the table to Ricochet, who was washing the dishes in the kitchen. No way was she trying to break the awkwardness, this made me think she was starting to get sick now. A dramatic sigh left my lips as I slammed my hand lightly on the table, lazily, before slowly standing up and walking over to her. 

Despite the fact that she was young, she was mature. Quite mature for her age actually. I'll admit, even I don't know how to cook very well, yet I have a teenaged daughter cooking me four meal courses at my house daily and even cleaning up after me. How pathetic. I'm pathetic. 

When she didn't look up to me to acknowledge my presence, I leant forwards and pulled her in to kiss the side of her head. The kiss wasn't meant to be this long, but I kept it as a sign of gratitude to her independence, making her tense up a little and freeze on the spot. She stopped scrubbing, and even dropped a few dishes in the water afterwards. 

"My night went well.. thanks to you, my girl" I pat her head, careful not to ruin her hair, and then decided to help her with the dishes. "Go get your bag ready, I'll finish these." With my sleeves rolled up and now washing the dishes, Ricochet steps back quietly and just nods her head.

That attitude. I should've cut myself out of it ages ago..

Ricochet had done what I had told her to and I had finished with the kitchen. "Time to go?" She asked in a suggestive tone, but she was hurrying for something. Did I forget about an event she had for school or something?

I'll ask about it later.

"Yup, that's us, leshgo" I say while taking my keys and locking the house up before starting the car up with the same enthusiasm as Ricochet. I had no idea what she was in a rush for, but she was good at acting, considering the conflict that occurred between us last night.

"I'll see ya later Papa." She climbed out of the car, giving me a kiss and hug goodbye and standing on the side of the road. "Take the bus home this time okay? I'll catcha later bubz. Love you, my girl." And with that, we exchanged smiles and then went off on our own separate days. Ricochet, at school, and me, on my way to McDonald's.

(Again, thank you so much for reading this part! Please send as much feedback as possible! Every detail will be appreciated! And please support my work! Remember, I'm a new writer, so if anything is a bit sloppy, let me know! Love you guys! <3)

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