Chapter 8 - Xico

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Janette's eyes were wide and locked on mine through the rear view mirror above her. She pulled a familiar smirk, one Justin always gives me, and with a raised eyebrow she eyes Jett and Justin who both seemed pretty surprised as well.

Was it really that surprising?

Justin leaned forward to look at me, his smile growing wider than ever. "¿Tú hablas español?" (You speak Spanish?) My cheeks fired up within the moment he asked me. Given that we had been friends for two years and that she is the reason I am in a relationship with Justin, Jett appeared shocked as well. I had never informed her that I had studied Spanish for ten years. Justin was even more excited when I gave him a nod.

"Mi mamá estaba obsesionada con la cultura española, así que la estudié para comunicarme con ella y tener una mejor impresión." (My Mum was obsessed with the Spanish culture, so I studied it to communicate with her in a better impression.)

"¿En realidad? ¿Por cuánto tiempo?" (Really? For how long?)

Even though I speak the language well, I wasn't sure if I would make a mistake in a statement, therefore I was just humiliated right now. However, since this is their language, they have every right and justification to correct me if I make a mistake. This possible outcome could just make everything super awkward between us though. But I made the daring decision to ignore my inner monologue for the time being and put on a brave smile so that I could respond.

"Hablo españal con fluidez desde hace una década." (I've been fluent in Spanish for a decade now)

I had left all three of them flabbergasted. Justin especially when he leaned in and gave me a big but wet smooch on my face. "This is great! Now we don't have to worry about the speech!" My smile falters into a look of confusion, until Janette speaks up to explain.

"All my friends from work only speak Spanish. Our organisation enriches those who have the money to pay for Spanish education and basically anything related to the Mexican and Spanish economy."

"But because this is a rather formal dinner, we need to give a speech about ourselves as Ma's attendees."

I nod in understanding to Jett's explanation before being interrupted by Justin.

"And because you can also speak it, we won't have to worry about you!"

I smile at their good news before noticing the large finer building in front of us. No way, this is where we're dining?! Who has the money for this shit?!

The intricate patterns along the beige marble walls that were lined with gold, a stone I had no knowledge of up until now, looked like a place meant for royalty. The twins and Janette, on the other hand, didn't seem too fazed by it. They've probably been to this restaurant before then.

As Justin held the door for me and helped me to climb out, I take in my rich surroundings once more, realising slowly how much of a peasant I am compared to this rich family I was accompanied by.

"Hey, don't sweat it, you'll be amazing! Your Spanish is just as gorgeous as you are! They'll think you're Spanish themselves with those dangerous eyes." Justin teased, keeping his hands in his pocket as he waited for me, who was checking if she had everything she needed in her bag before closing the car door. I rolled my eyes at the comment, making his smirk snicker, before holding his arm confidently.

"I promise I won't be boastful about ya.. well.. mostly." He snickered quietly in my ear, keeping his gaze forwards just as mine were. "Just don't be rude and you'll be safe from these 'dangerous eyes' you speak of"

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