Chapter 10 - Ran Away

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I was confident in myself this morning. I knew that if I just left her alone for a bit, she'd come around eventually.

With a table set with all of Ricochet's favourite dishes, I excuse the chef's who provided them and gave them the payment required for their service before attending to the mess I had made from drinking last night.

And oh fuck, it wasn't until now that I realised how much of a pain in the ass I would've been to Ricochet if she had to scrub pizza stains off the couch, pick up the crusts scattered along the carpet, as well as vacuum and scrub some more in various, numerous areas after every night I'd drink.

Glad to have her for a daughter man..

Before pathetically cleaning my shit up, I latch my hands around the door knob of her bedroom door, thinking she might still be asleep since I haven't heard any movement yet. I creak the door open just a bit before stopping myself from knocking.

The room felt.. cold. Freezing. I could feel a faint air flow from her room as the chill seeped under her door. Something wasn't right here...

"Fuck.." I say once..



It took me three times to say the cursed word before I realised why it was so quiet and cold. Ricochet, who would usually be at her desk with her headphones on and studying, wasn't even in her room.

Her books were all scattered, and her bed, unmade. The windows, though, were dangling wide open, hitting the wall from the outside whenever the wind blew it.

The banging of the windows just added to my anger, making my blood boil more than it normally would. My eyes were bloodshot red, not the type where you've just finished crying, but the type where the only colour your eyes were was literal glowing red.

That little fucking shit left. She fucking left..

I knew I shouldn't be the abusing type, which I wasn't, but fuck, if she ever comes back someone's gonna be sent to hospital.

No, fuck sakes Richard, she's your daughter not your slave.


I scolded myself for having such intentions of hurting Shay, and if I wasn't looking it before, I reckon I looked like a psycho now. And I had everything so nice and ready for her too!

My head didn't seem to calm down when I angrily munched at the food on the table, unable to understand what her possible reason of leaving could be.

I can't have the police involved, this is just a minor problem that I can handle myself. But ofcourse, knowing me, there's always one problem.

I don't know anything about her; I don't know where she could have gone, who she could have met with, if she's even meeting someone, or if this was planned.

"Fuck.." I shout for maybe the sixth or fifth time already. Where do I even start?

An idea finally sparked my mind. The only person I could really rely on now, was her. No, not my wife, but her sister.

Amelia's contact was always the first on my phone, not because her name started with A, but because I always went to her for advice whenever it came to everything, really. And right now, that was all I needed.

"What is it now, Richard?" She spoke through the phone with an irritated tone, making it obvious that she wasn't in the mood to deal with my shit. But this was my daughter and her niece she had to make time for. I quickly grabbed my keys and slammed the front door shut behind me before scurrying to my car.


"What about her?"

"She ran away from home.."



"Meet me at the usual.."

"Oka-..Oh... Rude..." I snark at the beeping when she hangs up on me.

(Sorry guys for the super short chapter😭. I'm just really sore and tired from school and I've just lost all my imagination for a good week😞.)

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