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Putting back the books on the white shelves that were scattered on different tables left behind by the last batch of customers while listening to the record playing old Hindi songs on the gramophone was usually my way of unwinding. The world would just disappear, and it would just be me, Ms. Rosy- my helper who loved me as her own daughter and her daughter Shannon who usually spends her evenings studying in the cafe and later helping us clean up. But today I was distracted, constantly checking my phone for the text that I was waiting for! 

Aarav Batra, my childhood best friend, well more like a brother to me because we practically grew up together. Papa and Shalini aunty went to the same school, but they lost contact when Shalini aunty had to move away. But later when she married Raghav uncle, they moved back to Mumbai because Raghav uncle got a job opportunity there. When they moved to Mumbai, Papa and Shalini aunty reconnected and Shalini aunty moved into the same building as ours. Me and Aarav are just a few months apart, so we've always done everything together. Except for today! 

Aarav is about to take the biggest step and propose to the love of his life Viti Aharya! And I couldn't be more excited! They are the perfect match. They complement each other's personalities perfectly and I can vouch for that because I have watched their story unfold in front of my eyes back in college when I too lived in Mumbai 6 years ago. 

Viti was a year younger than us so naturally we were her seniors. But because she had taken a gap year in her education, she was 2 years junior to us in college. It was her first year and it was our last year. She seemed very shy when we first met her on the audition day. But she left us all speechless with her graceful dance. And then over the course of that year Aarav made it a point to protect her from anyone be it family or peers and bring out the best in her. 

Today was finally the day they could promise each other to spend the rest of their lives together. It took them years to get the blessings of their families. And now finally after a wait of 5 years they can be together! 

My chain of thoughts was broken when I heard Ms. Rosy calling for me from above. There was a staircase that led downstairs to the bookstore from the cafe and she was standing on it's top screaming at the top of her lungs "INIKAAAAAAA! For the love of God come upstairs Aarav is on the cafe telephone asking for you. Come up and take this call" I quickly checked my phone and realized that it had switched off. 

I immediately ran upstairs and grabbed the receiver that was lying on the countertop. I put it up to my ears crossing my fingers and I could see Ms. Rosy and Shannon on the other side of the counter looking at me with curious but excited looks on their faces their fingers crossed as well.

"Hello" I said in a nervous voice. "SHE SAID YESSSSS" Aarav yelled from the other side of the phone and I immediately started squealing and jumping giving it away to Ms. Rosy and Shannon that the answer was a YES! their faces lit up immediately and they were hugging each other.

I heard slight giggling from the other end which made me realize that Aarav probably had his phone on speaker the whole time and Viti was listening to our conversation. "CONGRATULATIONSSSS Both of you! I'm so so so happy for you guys" I said. Viti replied with a polite thank you and Aarav just chuckled. 

"Why didn't you pick the videocall? we tried so many times. I hope we didn't disturb you in middle of something important" Viti asked.                                                                                               

"Nooo, not at all Viti! I didn't realize that my phone had switched off while I was waiting for this idiot Aarav to text" I replied slightly laughing at my stupidity "Well but don't let me hold you up! You guys celebrate and have fun, I'll talk to y'all later " I continued. "Sure, but we'll see you soon next week!" Viti said in an excited tone. "Yeah! Chalo bye. Take care, talk to you later" Aarav said. saying a final bye I cut the call. 

As soon as I cut the call Ms. Rosy and Shannon ran up to me and engulfed in a tight group hug. I hadn't felt this happy in such a long time and it felt so good knowing that my best friend had finally found someone who loved him unconditionally and was ready to spend the rest of her life with him. 

We spent the next hour cleaning up and closing the cafe. It was already 11p.m by the time I reached my apartment. I had made a quick call to Congratulate Shalini aunty and she sounded so happy as well! It had been hard for Shalini aunty since Raghav uncle had passed away due to Cancer 15 years ago when we were only 11. Since then, Shalini aunty had spent all her time giving the best she could to Aarav and now finally even she had peace knowing that he had found Viti who loved her son and would do anything for him and the fact that her son had found happiness of experiencing love.

I spent another hour showering, eating my dinner while watching a Bollywood movie and then I hit the bed. It had been a long day, and I was ready for the much-needed rest. I closed my eyes and let the sweet wave of sleep knock me out.


Hello guys!

So, this chapter was just a small peek into Inika's world. I will try to upload as regularly as possible and try to give you good content :) 

Hope y'all liked the chapter. Lemme know what you think about it in the comments. Keep supporting and voting!


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